Sick Day

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The next morning TJ woke up hearing something from Jessicas room he went to her room to check on her

TJ- "You okay sweetie?"

Jessica- "No my throat hurts".

TJ- "You want me to get your daddy?"

Jessica- "Yes please".

TJ- "Okay I'll go get him".

TJ goes downstairs and sees JJ

JJ- "Morning T".

TJ- "Hey Jess isn't feeling well and she wants you".

Connie- "Oh no".

TJ- "She's coughing and she said her throat hurts".

Derek- "I'll make her some tea".

JJ- "I'll grab her medicine, and also her inhaler if she needs it". (grabs stuff and goes upstairs)

JJ gets to Jessicas room

Jessica- "Daddy it hurts". (cries)

JJ- (pulls her into a hug) "I know baby, I brought medicine okay, and Uncle Derek is making you some tea".

Jessica- "Okay, I'll take the medicine".

She takes the medicine then Derek comes up with her tea

Derek- "Here ya go sweetie, be careful it's hot". (hands JJ the tea)

Jessica- "Thank you". (lets JJ help her sip the tea)

Cody- (walks in) "You okay sissy?"

Jessica- "I don't feel good at all".

Connie- (walks in) "You're not the only one sweetie, TJ just threw up".

Derek- "Looks like I'm gonna be solo today at school".

Cody- "I'll be there after school though so you'll see me". (smiles)

TJ- (walks in) "Yo Derek tell coach that I'm sick, also Cassie would ya".

Jessica- "Ooo Uncle TJ has a girlfriend".

JJ- (laughs) "Funny even when sick".

Derek- "Sure bro, well I'm off feel better you two, and I'll see you later Codes".

Connie- "Do you need anything else for her JJ?"

JJ- "I don't think so, maybe some soup later".

TJ- "Soup sounds good".

JJ- (laughs) "Well soup for both of you then".

Jessica- "So I don't have to do school then?"

JJ- "No you're sick why would you think that?"

Jessica- "Cause mommy always made me and bubba go to school if we were sick, but not sick sick".

JJ- "Well I'm not gonna be like mommy". (kisses her head)

TJ- "I'm gonna go lay back down, feel better sweetie".

JJ- "You too Uncle TJ".

Max comes and lays on Jessicas bed with her and JJ

Jessica- "Hi Max". (pets him)

JJ- "You wanna go back to sleep?"

Jessica- "Can you lay with me?"

JJ- "Of course I can, I texted Brad so I won't be going anywhere today". (lays her an himself down)

Jessica- "Love you daddy". (kisses his cheek)

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