San Lorenzo?

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

-time skip to close to the end of class-

"Alright class, settle! Settle! I know you're excited for the last day of school, but get ready for even more exciting news." I smile at this, not knowing what it is, but hear Harold say "is it that I can do this?" And he puts both of his hands in his mouth. "No it's not, Harold-" "and it never will be" I answer out too, Mr Simmons nods in agreement. Then he continued saying "anyway, the news is; we've been selected to be in a very special contest. A great humanitarian organization in Central America that helps the less fortunate is sponsoring it."

I smile at this and lean closer to the front as the projector is showing a very pretty place "they build habitats that provide living space in the rain forest. And they wanna celebrate kids that exemplify their spirit!" I smile at the sight of the stuff. Phoebe then asks "Mr Simmons, what'll we have to do to win the contest?" I smile even more. 'No matter what it is, I just know I really want to see-' "we submit a video presentation of our class being humanitarians in our own neighborhood." Sid then asks out "what's the prize?" I don't really care about the prize, but it could be fun anyways.

"Curly" Mr Simmons says, so Curly starts to do a drumroll with his pencils "a class trip to San Lorenzo!" 'Wait, oh my gosh. San Lorenzo?! That's where Arnold's parents went' I think to myself, actually remembering the fact. "Is that the new Mexican restaurant??" Harold asks out, so I roll my eyes playfully, Harold's never changed. Stinky answers with "nah, that place has been there a while" I laugh a little at the sound of this. "Close, Stinky; it's a beautiful proud republic to our South, this is where we'll go if we win the contest."

'Wait for it-' "to a Mexican restaurant!" Harold yells out happily, so I softly facepalm and try not to laugh out loud from this. "No... to San Lorenzo, the country" Mr Simmons answers out as the projector gets turned off. "And the organization that will host us is called 'Helpers for Humanity'" Mr Simmons says again. I felt myself freeze in thought 'oh my gosh - isn't that the group Arnold's parent's worked for??' I think confused. 'Wait... didn't they go on an adventure in San Lorenzo?? Oh my gosh, I have to help - I need to help.'

Looking up at the clock I notice that it's really close to the end of the day "class, I know you're excited to get started on this video presentation, even though it's the last day of school." The bell rung, interrupting Mr Simmons, so everyone got up and dashed for the door instantly. "School's out for summer!" They all said, so I start bouncing excitedly in my seat, waiting for them to be gone. "I'll do it!" I say as I raise my hand... but I heard Arnold say it with me, I didn't think I could smile bigger. "I will too" Gerald says happily, Mr Simmons smiles saying "great! We're on our way to winning."

"It's due in a week!" Mr Simmons says again, so I had a bit of realization hit me 'ohhh... that's a little bump in the road, but I think we can do it.' We're already walking around, but as we walk Arnold is the first to say "okay, we'll make the best video ever." I nod saying "we win this thing" Gerald then says "go to San Lorenzo, and find your lost parents." Arnold looks down saying "yeah, but the prize isn't a free trip for me to go looking for them." "Okay, true, but how can you not try to find your lost parents?" Gerald asks with a big smile.

Wrapping my arms around their shoulders I then add "especially with your best friends there to help" Arnold smiles and laughs a little. "Okay, let's win this contest!" "And get you some answers, that'll be our secret" I add and we all do our handshake. Then we're walking again as Gerald says "now all we gotta do is something humanitarian." When we walk forward we see Monkeyman putting a flower down and watering it as he hums. Arnold and I share a look, then look back at Monkeyman quickly as we say "I know, let's build a habitat for Monkeyman."

Arnold then wraps his arm around my shoulders saying "we can do it right here on the river!" I smile with a soft blush as I nod my head. Gerald looks at us, then looks back at Monkeyman saying "you're both some bold kids, Arnold and (Y/n)." With that we go over to Monkeyman and tell him our idea, he agreed, and we easily start collecting stuff for his house. After a while it's time for us to start going, so I say "I'll see you guys tomorrow, maybe after a bit though. I still have to do a few things" 'yeah, like helping and hanging out with the elderly.'

"Hey, (Y/n)... why don't I walk you home??" Arnold asks as he points his thumb, I smile and we look at Gerald "don't let me hold you two back. I have to get home in time for dinner" Gerald says and is already walking, so I look at Arnold and nod my head. Now we're walking "you know, you're gonna get some of the little kids happy to just see you. It's been a while since you came over" I say as we walk, Arnold laughs a little saying "yeah. It's crazy down there, and I live in a boarding house!" We both laugh a little from that information.

Shrugging my shoulders I say "eh, you get used to it after a while... or while you grow up with it-" "I get ya there... Gerald was a bit shocked when he first visited me. Speaking of visiting, why don't you visit down at the boarding house sometime?? It's really fun. And everyone is like family there too" I nod and say "sure, but I still have a busy schedule." "With what?? School's over" Arnold asks confused as we see the orphanage in sight. I then say "with helping elderly in this one home down the block, I've been doing that since.. about third grade."


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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