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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

"It's not like he signed up for this either!!" I say and glare at her, she pokes my chest right at my heart saying "I bet you did, you Football-headed lover-" "no, no fighting. No fighting! We have one big job to do now, friends: to walk.. we can do this, and take only what you need." Out of everything I look at what my luggage is, knowing it's too much, and just grab the book. 'Okay, it may look stupid, but Suzie said it would help' I think to myself as I look at Arnold. Everyone is giving him the cold shoulder, but I look at him and say "I still got your back" he smiles softly.

Then he takes my book from me and puts it in his backpack, we do our handshake, then we follow after the group, during the entire walk it was quiet. Nothing really happened except for Helga shouldering someone to the ground-... wait she usually does that to me. I look back to see that she made Arnold fall, so I glare at her as she sticks her tongue out at us. A low growl left me, but I breathe in and out, and hold my hand out to Arnold, he smiles at me. After helping him up I felt eyes on me, looking at the entire group I see that it's Eduardo glaring at me.

After another while we finally made it to the swamp, and there was bugs everywhere 'hope you're at least happy, Nadine.' Rhonda is sounding so disgusted as she walks through this, it's annoying me just at her tone alone. That's when we had to cross this small stream that could sweep us off our feet, so we jumped across some rocks. I notice Gerald falter, so I jump back to him and offer out my hand, he narrows his eyes at me and keeps jumping. 'Okay, that was a knife to the back, well played' I think to myself as I try to keep up with the group now.

Thing is I lost my footing from a slippery rock and yelp as I fall in the water, I barely grabbed onto a different rock. I cough out some water that somehow got in my mouth, and I see both Arnold and Helga look back. They share a look and both run my way, jumping back on the rocks and pulling me up. I'm breathing heavily, but Helga punched Arnold and caught back up with the group instantly. Arnold looks at me confused, so I shrug my shoulders and we both just continued on like nothing happened.

After another while we're having to walk up a steep hill, and Sid's Beatle boots didn't make it... and after another while we finally made it. "I see the habitat!" Phoebe says happily while pointing down the hill we just walked up. We all start cheering and running to the top of the hill to see the habitat... 'something still feels off. But I just want sleep!!' I think to myself tiredly as Mr Simmons says "we're safe! Thank you, Eduardo." Eduardo answers with "¡vámonos, mijos! You can rest and dry out and have a hot dinner!" We start cheering again and run in.

I still stay by Arnold, and we went towards Mr Simmons as he says "we're back on schedule!" "Yeah, I guess it all worked out" Arnold answers. Eduardo just says "um, eh.... may I have your attention? There's been a misunderstanding, which I would like to correct. I am not 'Eduardo'" he takes off the mustache and says "I am Lasombra!" My eyes widen. 'Oh my beejeebers, I knew it!! Something was truly fishy about this guy, and now I know... a bit too late.' Everyone gasped at this news though and he says "and you are now my prisoners!" The gate behind us closed.

Someone was about to grab Arnold by the wrist, but I stomp on his foot and punch his chest, he glares at me as Arnold says "no!!" I look back at him. There he stood, now looking behind me scared, but right when I turned around someone grabbed me. I thrash in their hold "hey, let go!!" I yell out and continue to thrash, making it hard for him to hold me. He didn't care as I continued to thrash, but a different guy grabbed Arnold and pulled him away. My eyes widen at this as I finally kick the guy into dropping me, and I stick by Arnold's side and make the other guy back away.

'I don't care if I have to be knocked out, there's nothing these guys can do to keep me away from Arnold!' I think to myself determined. Arnold looks at me shocked, then he looks up at Lasombra "and you will remain my prisoners, until this football-headed boy shows me where to find the Corazón." I look at Lasombra with wide eyes, but he continued talking "thank you, all of you, for walking right into my trap." Arnold just asks out "how could you?" As he wraps his arms around me protectively and takes a step back. I felt a blush rise to my face at this, but Lasombra took Arnold's question and jokes around a bit.

"Easy, see? Eduardo" he starts off and puts the mustache back on "Lasombra" he pulled it away, and went back and forth with that action. Then he uses the mustache as a small beard "Abraham Lincoln" then he uses it as a unibrow. "Frida Kahlo - easy" Lasombra finished and threw the hair piece away, and Helga wasn't having it. She steps up a few steps saying "that's hilarious, La-Bozo, but I'm Helga G Pataki, and I'm not staying! So, if you'll just open the gate, we'll be on our way." She starts walking away, so I look over my shoulder to see her path being blocked by men with swords.

Lasombra answers with "you are staying, I went to the trouble to arrange that whole phony contest and class trip just to lure Arnold here." Rhonda is the one to say "yeah, yeah, yeah, I have a question" we turn to look at her as she's deadpanning. "Does this dump get Wi-Fi?" Rhonda asks while waving her phone a bit "yes" Lasombra answers. Rhonda gasps happily, but he finished with "but I'm not giving you the password." Rhonda glares at him saying "you monster!" I look back at Arnold, he looks at me worriedly.


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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