Green-Eyed... Children?

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

Gerald looks around the room since all he's doing is hanging, then we both see the statue of... what looks like Arnold. "Mm-mm-mm! Arnold, that statue sure looks a lot like you" Gerald says as he's still hanging onto my hand. Arnold and Helga look up at us, then to the statue "why aren't you getting down??" Helga asks confused. I just say "I don't think I can get down" both Helga and Arnold get out of the thing, so I sigh. "Gerald, you're on your own" I joke and he looks at me, being just as dramatically playful "no, say it ain't so."

With that I drop him, he screamed a bit until he fell down "huh, that was such a soft landing, I'm surprised-" my foot slipped right then. Gerald just stood up and was stretching a bit, until I screamed a bit and somehow didn't feel the flower petals. Blinking a few times I look up to see Gerald caught me "I caught someone's girl!" Gerald joked. I roll my eyes and say "put me down" Gerald helped me to my feet as we walk over by Arnold and Helga. Arnold was glaring at Gerald, but I hear Helga say "hmm, I gotta say, it's not half-bad" then she hands Gerald his shoe.

Gerald grabbed it as Helga says "I've seen better" I furrow my eyebrows as I say "you mean out his of gum?" Helga glares at me. That's when we hear some stuff and see someone above us jump down and we all gasp scared. Arnold is the first to say "it's them! It's the Green-Eyes!" One of them gasp, then they all start bowing. "Arnold... Arnold..." they say as they bow, I feel a bit creeped out as I take a small step away from them. Then the kids get Arnold on some type of carrier, still repeating his name, so we just follow them.

Throughout another long walk Arnold tried to explain it to the Green-Eyes that we need their help, but they just kept repeating his name. I walked into Helga as she finally says "hey, what's the big idea!?" 'How long have we been walking??' I think tiredly. Two of the kids turn some type of knobs and another door opens, blinding me, so I groan and cover my eyes. After a second I look up and see what looks like either a pretty temple or a great city, either way it's cool looking. Arnold finally got to get up as he looks at me happily, we share a look and look back over the place.

"The Green-Eyed people's city!" Arnold and I say happily, it was at this point I felt myself pushed to the side by Gerald as the kids say Arnold's name again. They also started to carry Arnold on the carrier again, so I groan and facepalm softly at this. 'This is gonna take a while-' "yeah, yeah 'Arnold...' we get it!" Helga complains, honestly I would too. The kids started to say his name some more, we're still slowly following behind them. "Have you noticed anything strange about this place? There are no grown ups here" Gerald says to Helga and I.

We stop walking to see another type of statue of Arnold, but I look down a bit to see that it's actually some type of costume a girl is wearing. "That's the weird part?!" Helga and I ask out while looking at the girl after she giggled a little. After questioning the little costume we realize that Arnold is up ahead, so we jog a bit to catch up. 'I really need some sleep right now, I feel like I'm about to get as snappy as Helga does when she's with Arnold.' "Finally! A bigwig in charge" I say as I walk past the children, Helga and Gerald then say "literally."

I stand by Arnold's side as I can hear Helga and Gerald stop behind me, that's when I notice that she's a kid too "what? She's a kid too?!" Helga asks out. The girl then says "Arnold" as she bows, Arnold instantly takes off his little hat as he looks at her. "Please, can you help us?" Arnold asks her, but Helga then says a smart remark to Gerald. "You don't suppose she hablas inglés?" Helga says to Gerald, so he says "I got this" and I see him in front of us. His stance looks like he could be trying to be laid back with her- "hey girl, how's it goin?" Gerald asks a bit flirtatiously.

The girl just walks past Gerald and grabs Arnold's hand, she walks past Helga and towards the temple looking part that I first seen. "What the-" "man, why can't I ever be the chosen one??" Gerald asks out, so I facepalm at this. It was at this point I mumbled "idiot" I ran past Helga and caught up to Arnold and that girl. From being tired I also could care less if I was nice to anyone that got close to Arnold at this point. "Close enough, girly!" I say as I softly glare at her, Arnold raised an eyebrow at me, so I shrug my shoulders.

"What??" I ask him confused, then Gerald says "Arnold, check it out!" We all look up and Helga is the next one to say "it looks like the king is.. sleeping?" I nod my head. Then I mumble with her "lazy much?" Arnold just says "this must be about the sleeping sickness." Arnold then continues with "that my parents came to cure!" The girl then actually speaks, but it's weird. "Arnold, kashwa batiqua!" She climbs in this small hole and motions for us to follow her. When we walk in I see there's a bunch of stairs to climb up, but I'm right behind Gerald as we walk in.

Gerald begins to talk as he gets in "looks like she's giving us the grand tour" I scoff and say "it better be grand, we've come a long way for this." "Dang, I influenced you more than I thought I did" "don't get so flattered, Unibrow, I'm just tired." We look at the wall and Gerald says "look! There's a bunch of sleeping people here too." Helga is the one to ask "so is that what happened to all the grown ups in this joint? They're asleep?" I look to the side and see a different picture. 'That looks like the adults from Arnold's picture- his parents!' I grab Arnold's wrist and pull him over there.


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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