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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I smile big at this as Mr Simmons continues looking over our class saying "that's right, we won!" The crowd behind us start cheering again. Arnold is smiling big as we share a look and look at Gerald too, but he helps Arnold to his feet. After that Arnold helped me to my feet as he says "I know this video wouldn't have happened without you Gerald. I can't thank you enough!" That's when I already knew it didn't have to deal with Gerald, but it deals with Helga. Moving from my spot behind Arnold I stand by Gerald saying "you should really thank Helga."

Gerald nods saying "this was her idea" I then add "you should see all the videos she has of-" Helga punched my shoulder to get me to stop. Then she nervously adds "o-of the things! Ha, around the city, amazing! Anyway, it's done. We're going to San Lorenzo" "and (Y/n) would've stepped up if Helga didn't" Gerald adds on last. Arnold looks at Helga and I with a sincere smile saying "thanks Helga, and (Y/n)... I'm glad you could put your trust in her. Even if you two aren't friends anymore" then he sets his hand on Helga's shoulder, and she shivered in delight.

Arnold removed his hand as Helga was happy, but she nervously says "a-a-and I'm gonna go wash my socks!" Then she leaves instantly. I smile and laugh a little at her, but felt Arnold hug me, I smile and hug back, but he lifts me up somehow. "We're going to San Lorenzo!" Arnold says happily as we're spinning, and we're both laughing. After the crowd left, the news people came in and interviewed Arnold, but as that happened I did my nightly routine. Packing away what clothes I could bring when a knock came to my door 'huh.. I didn't think the interview would be so short.'

Opening my door I see Suzie and Oskar right there at the door, they're both looking a bit nervous as Suzie says "hey (Y/n). We just wanted to talk" I nod my head and go back in my room, meaning for them to follow me. I know they do as I hear their footsteps, but I'm still packing a few things as Oskar says "your passport's here." Grabbing a pen I say "alright!" Then Suzie grabs it from Oskar and lifts it out of my reach saying "hold on. Now that you're adopted you have to use our last name to sign it" I nod in understanding.

Signing my name (Y/n) Kokoshka I smile happily, but Oskar says "(Y/n), we know that you are great friends with Arnold" then he nervously laughs. I nod my head saying "yeah, we've been friends since.. around the beginning of first grade." Suzie sits down on my bed saying "and we're worried, Arnold's parents have gotten in a lot of trouble down in San Lorenzo. Especially with this Lasombra guy" I nod in understanding saying "I half understand. I don't really know what happened with his parents, but-" "(Y/n), we don't want you searching for his parents."

I look back at them saying "I know! This is just a school trip to visit the rainforest" Suzie nods saying "not about finding Arnold's parents." Oskar stands next to Suzie saying "yeah, we don't want to be going with grandma and grandpa to go saving you." Suzie then nervously adds "and you know we will!" I smile and nod saying "of course, guys. Trust me, only a school trip" they share a look, then Oskar hands me a book saying "it could help." I nod and they both say "just be careful, (Y/n)" I nod and say "careful is my middle name."

"I thought it was (M/n)" "she was kidding, Oskar" "oh right *nervously laughs*" "now let me get some sleep, I already got everything packed." I push the two out as they nod and go back to their room, but before I could close the door Arnold is right there. Walking back in I let him in too as he says "you got told to not find my parents too, huh?" I nod my head. "Yeah, it took me about a few minutes for that talk to be over, grandma and grandpa told you the same?" "Yeah. But we can at least try to look for my parents' friend, Eduardo" Arnold informs me and shows me the picture.

The sound of this is getting even more fun and fun as I look Arnold in the eyes saying "you know I'm behind ya every step of the way, Arnold." He smiles and says "I can't thank you enough for helping me with this, even when-" "w-well, it's time for bed. Let's get some well deserved sleep for tomorrow, Arnold!" I interrupt nervously and not wanting to talk about my parents. Arnold smiles sadly and hugs me saying "I'll see you tomorrow" with that he finally left my room. I look down at the floor sadly, then I dig under my pillow, it's the only thing that hides my picture.

It's me as a baby with my mom and dad.... they probably changed a lot since this picture, but I highly doubt I'll ever see them again. Tears slowly leave my eyes as I look at the picture, but I wipe them with my wrist and lay down. Setting my picture back under my pillow so I can finally get some sleep for tomorrow's trip.

-time skip to the airoplane-

Out of all the seats of two, I somehow got my own row, so I stuck by the window as I look out, hearing grandpa warn Arnold about getting sick. I'm pretty sure I'm two seats in front of Arnold, who gets to sit by Gerald as they're across from Phoebe and Helga. During the plane ride we finally got told we can take our seatbelts off, so I do and look out the window. Nothing but blue skies and white puffy clouds as far as the eye can see, but I hear footsteps. Turning I see Gerald right there with a smile "this seat taken??" He asks, so I shake my head "nope, go right ahead."


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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