6th Grade

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

After Arnold got ready we waited for the animals to run out of the doorway, and we finally walk down to see Gerald right there. "So, you lovebirds ready for the worst day of school??" Gerald asks with with a small smirk. I blush and lightly punch his shoulder saying "you don't gotta say that every time" Gerald laughs a little. Arnold softly grabs my hand saying "it's basically a tradition now, and I actually like it." My blush stayed as I laugh and roll my eyes gently, pecking his lips I say "when you're right, you're right."

We look back at Gerald and Arnold says "do you mean the first day of school?" Gerald raised an eyebrow at Arnold saying "that's what I said." I then say "look on the bright side, Gerald, we're in sixth grade now! How bad could it be?" Then I let go of Arnold's hand. We all do our thee-way handshake and start walking our way towards school, talking about how summer was. At least without the other, but that's when we got to a corner and see Phoebe and Helga right there. Gerald held his hand out for Phoebe, and they walked hand in hand for a bit, so Arnold looks at both me and Helga.

"Look, Helga, I finally got the grip on walking" Arnold jokes as he holds my hand and we start walking, so Helga scoffs at Arnold. She hits him upside the head saying "yeah, with the help of your girlfriend!" I roll my eyes playfully. Playfully glaring at Helga I say "I thought we talked about you and the way you act to Arnold." Helga lifts her hands up in defense saying "sorry, that's just the way I act around him now. I completely got over him and got myself my own dork" my eyes widen as I share a shocked look with Arnold.

Before I could ask who this dork is we hear Stella and Miles behind us "hey Arnold!" They say, so we stop walking and turn around. I guess Gerald and Phoebe stopped holding hands, but Arnold only squeezed mine a bit tighter. "Can we walk with you to school?" "Yeah, we already miss you" Stella and Miles say to Arnold. Laughing a little I just let Arnold talk with his parents as I talk with Helga, Phoebe and Gerald. Yet I get pulled back by Stella as she says "you did good with this one, Arnold" I blush and try to escape her hold.

Arnold is blushing too as he says "mom! We talked about this" he pulled me from Stella's hold as Miles says "but we truly think you caught a good one. How'd ya do it again??" "We've been friends since first grade, and grew close ever since." We've been explaining the story ever since we got back home, so we say it together now. On the walk to school I start thinking of the picture again, but I squeeze Arnold's hand on accident. Arnold looks at me and says "you're thinking about them again, aren't you??" I sigh and nod once.

Miles hugs me saying "oh, you have nothing to worry about! We are here for you, and so are Suzie and Oskar" I laugh a little "I know. Sometimes my mind just wanders and it just wanderd, so-" we finally reached the school. Arnold looks back at his parents, so I let him explain how long school is, but when I got up the stairs Mr Simmons looks at me. He kneels down and wipes a tear away from my eye that I didn't know I had, but he digs around in his pocket. "Ya know, Arnold told me you lost something very important to you" Mr Simmons trails off.

I look to the side saying "yeah, i-it was a picture of my parents, and-" "and Arnold recognized who that actually looked like way-back-when." He finally grabs a picture out of his pocket and looks at it, then he shows it to me, I gasp. My eyes widen as they get glossy "y-you mean you're-" "your real father, yes!" Mr Simmons said happily. I furrow my eyebrows "if you knew, why-" "because I didn't think you'd actually want to know. (Y/n), I'm a teacher for crying out loud, and your mother left me, my own money couldn't support the both of us."

My tears started to stream a bit as I look at him "so... that's why you were in the orphanage, but it all worked out okay! You grew up to be a wonderful girl. And I'm proud!! I also heard that you help the Elderly, and you helped a lot of the kids here. (Y/n)... I would be happy if you'd at least want to hang out more, but the bell is about to ring, and you'd have to get to class." I smile and nod my head "I'll tell mom and dad- oh.." realization hit that I basically have two dads and a mom. He laughs a little saying "you can just call me Robert, (Y/n)-" the bell rung, so I smile and hug him.

"I love you..." I mumble loud enough for him to hear, he hugs back and says "love you too, (Y/n)" we let go and I turn to see Arnold. I hugged him tight for a second and pull him to class, we got there in time, but I peck his lips again. "You're the best" I mumble as the teacher takes roll, so Arnold playfully shoves my shoulder. "You know it, (Y/n).... you know it" Arnold answers back as I hear the teacher call my name "I'm here." Then after a bit Arnold's name got called "here!" Arnold says and raised his hands, I smile softly 'man, life works in mysterious ways.'


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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