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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

"Hi Eduardo" everyone except the three of us said "Eduardo?!" We ask instead, because that's kind of shocking that he's here as his place is trashed. The man gasped and looks back at us saying "Arnold.. could it be? Arnold, it's me, your parents' best friend. ¡Qué buena fortuna! I am the captain of this boat, and I will take you up the river to the rainforest. We'll go straight to the habitat that my group, Helpers for Humanity, made" 'okay, something still seems off.' "Yes! Like my parents" Arnold says happily, the man is still smiling big as he looks down at Arnold.

I share a look with Gerald as he nods once "of course! We will work together-" "hi, I'm Gerald!" Gerald shook Eduardo's hand. Once they let go I grab his hand too and say "name's (Y/n), man we thought something bad-" I got interrupted. "Captain Eddie, is there a toilet on this boat?!" Harold asks scared, so Eduardo says "of course, of course, me discuple. Where are my manners? Everyone, all aboard!" We all ran on happily, I tried to stay by Arnold. Yet I tripped and groaned as I look around, what happened was Helga tripped me, but not on purpose.

Yeah, that's the shocking part, she was just glaring at Olga 'honestly I just don't see how someone can be that nice and perfect. It's like she's an older version of Lila, but Olga honestly was favorited, while Lila... I don't know her deal.' Olga pretended to faint as Che walked by and he caught her in a dip position, so I roll my eyes. "Everybody loves Olga" Helga and I say annoyed, she looks at me shocked and smirks. "Oh yeah, I forgot you're the only other person that doesn't like Olga" Helga says as the boat whistle goes off.

We set off, but after that little encounter with Helga she already went back to ignoring me, so I had to just try and find Gerald or Harold again. I found Gerald easily "hey Gerald... have ya seen Arnold??" I ask him, but he shakes his head. "I was gonna ask you the same thing" Gerald answers as we go and stand by the edge with Phoebe and Helga. Helga just says "Phoebe, let's go to the back of the boat-" "actually... I kind of want to stay here." Phoebe finally spoke her mind!! Helga looks at her shocked, but looks back at me and glares at me.

Phoebe sets her hand on Helga's shoulder, I don't know what type of look got exchanged, but it was enough for Helga to change her mind. "It's weird... I didn't think I'd ever leave Hillwood" I answer out as I look over the water. Phoebe looks at me saying "I know what you mean" Gerald then says "especially to San Lorenzo." We kept on talking for a bit about how fun this should be, but I kept on thinking about Arnold. "I'll.. be back" I answer out, but hear someone yell out something about a buffet, so now I have an actual excuse to find Arnold

It took a minute, but I found him with Eduardo, so I look at Arnold saying "hey A-Arnold.. it's buffet time" Arnold stutters for a second. Then he looks at Eduardo, so he smirks and says "go on, Arnold, play play! You two should go. You seem good together" I tilt my head confused, but we went out anyways and got ourselves some food. At the buffet we also found Gerald and we talked for a bit, until Helga ran past and pushed me down to go. I glare at her, but Arnold helps me up as he's looking up at Eduardo... who's looking for something.

Arnold was still holding my hand as he pulled me along with him, I look back at Gerald confused, so we both shrug our shoulders. We got to the ladder to get up to where he is, but that's when Arnold figured out he was still holding my hand. "Oh... s-sorry, (Y/n), I-I didn't mean to-" "it's fine, let's go see what Eduardo's looking for." Arnold nods in understanding and we climb up the ladder "hey Eduardo!" We both say happily. I was the one to ask "what're you looking at??" Eduardo looks at me skeptically, but looks back at Arnold.

"Oh.. nothing, children, nothing" Eduardo answers out, so I narrow my eyes at him, he probably knows that I don't trust him all that much. I don't know why, but it's a gut feeling that I'm having "but this is the jungle, and you must always be aware of the dangers here." Arnold looks down sadly, so I gently grab his hand, he looks up at Eduardo saying "you mean like, Lasombra?" I nod in understanding. Eduardo looks back at us as I say "yeah, I heard some stuff happened with your parents and that dude." With that Eduardo said he wanted to talk to us later, so I say "okay, come on Arnold, let's go hang out."

We climb back down, hang out with Gerald for a bit, but Eduardo called for us, so we go into the steering room and Arnold is already pacing. Eduardo is looking out in front of us as he says "so, you heard about the infamous Lasombra?" I do the kinda gesture. He didn't look as he continues "he was not happy that Arnold's parents stole back from him a precious treasure called the Corazón." Arnold stopped pacing as he asks "is he after me? We're in danger, aren't we?" I set my hand on his shoulder. "Arnold, good things happen to good people... even if we are, we'll be fine" I answer him reassuringly.

Eduardo just says "we could turn around and head back to safety, or we can continue ahead, and maybe, find out about your parents." 'This seems fishy, the tone he used to say this was weird' I think to myself as I narrow my eyes at him again. "What?!" Arnold asks shocked while putting one of his hands over the one that I have on his shoulder. Arnold looks me in the eye as he remembers the promise and says "but I promised-" then he stopped again. I look at him and say "Arnold, you really did promise grandma and grandpa-" "no."


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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