Booby Traps

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I blink a few times and just say "Arnold, let me get a look of the map" he nods and stands by my side, so I gently grab the necklace thing. Looking over the map I say "okay, you're kidding me right now" with that I go up to the eyeball. Pushing the little circles in the correct order, and the walls slide open, now we see the sun rising. Gerald is the first to start walking, but Arnold says "good thinking, (Y/n)! You're brilliant!" I nervously laugh. Helga rolls her eyes and shoulders past me saying "at least one of us can read!" Then we step through.

Turns out we stepped through just in time to not get squished by the walls closing, we both yelp and start running, until we got to this one spot. When we stepped on the same tile thing and it sunk beneath our feet.... my eyes widen 'oh no.' "Booby trap!" Arnold and I yell out, then I felt myself get pulled back, I could see the arrow going past my face. Fear built up in me as I tried to walk away faster from the booby trap, but I ended up falling on whoever pulled me back. We both scream a bit as we fall, I look back and see it was Gerald who saved me and who I fell on.

I blush a bit and roll off of him, we're both blushing a bit as we say "uhh-" "did I say it was okay for you to touch me?!" "Oh boy" Gerald and I mutter. 'Turns out, the hate-love relationship those two have will actually distract us from an embarrassing moment we had.' After a few minutes Arnold figures out to use the green eye thing against the map to find our way. "Oh my gosh! This shows us which tiles to avoid" Arnold says and jumps onto a tile while looking at the book. Jumping he repeats what steps he's taking, so we all do the same one after another, first Helga, then me, and last was Gerald.

"Forward, forward, left, forward" Arnold says as he goes, then we repeated after him "forward, left, forward, right-" "maybe we're supposed to— oof!" Arnold got interrupted. We all were on the same tile when we felt it move beneath our feet, and we all scream and fall forward. Thing was we all barely avoided the arrows that aimed for us, my eyes are wide as I feel frozen. A few seconds later and we're already up and at it to get away from the booby trapped tiles. I'm back to helping Arnold find our way... when something looks fishy- "wait a second, hold it guys."

Arnold didn't see it, so I had to pull him back away from the false floor "Arnold, the map says there's some type of false floor here." I look around and see some vines on an old tree "if this works; follow my lead, if it doesn't... been nice knowing you guys." "Wait, what?-" Arnold got interrupted as I actually swung across to the other side easily. I sigh in relief and almost fell as someone landed behind me, but they held me up and I look back to see Arnold. We move away and see Helga coming right after us, so we all watch as Gerald swings his way over.

Thing was he swung over too close to the edge as he loses his balance saying "woah woah woah!!" "Gerald!" Helga and I yell worried. Arnold and I were the quick ones to react as we pull Gerald back to safety and the three of us fell. I look at Arnold as he's looking at me, we share a small smile, but I see the book hit him in the face. Arnold is deadpanning at Helga as we start getting up and walking again, but she also shouldered me. It wasn't that hard, but it was still enough to make me stumble a bit, and Gerald caught me again.

I smile and mumble a thank you as we continue walking, then we get to this one thing that looks like a very deadly and obvious booby trap. "It looks like we have to hug the wall" Arnold says and points at the wall inside the trap. Before I could go first Arnold holds me back and he goes first, so I sigh and realize Helga went right after him. I deadpan at this and just start going, Gerald is right by my side, so we're all hugging the wall. Looking down I see that there's a skull right there, so I warn Gerald before I step over it.

We all got out instantly - once we got done and I go by Arnold, gently looking over the map I smile big and say "this way!" My feet make me start running. Arnold follows after me saying "(Y/n), wait! You might get hurt!!" Helga then says "yeah, ya goof. I just got ya back, I don't want you dyin on me!" "You still owe me twenty-five cents!" Gerald yells out. That got me to stop, feeling Arnold and Helga run into me, and we all look back at Gerald. I'm raising an eyebrow, I'm sure the other two are too, but he shrugs saying "I couldn't think of anything else."

Either way we keep following the map until we got to this little clearing "huh, the amulet stopped glowing" Arnold informs us. Then he looks back at us saying "there's no more information on the map" I sigh sadly. "Oh my gosh, that's it, we did all of this for nothing" I mumble and sit down next to something filled with flower petals. Helga is next to say "oh, for crying out loud" Gerald sits down next to me saying "it's gonna be okay. And I needed a break anyways, my dogs are barking" I roll my eyes playfully at him "I know what you mean."

My feet feel like they'll fall off right now, but I didn't get to do anything as I notice Gerald falling back into the flower petals. I grab onto his hand saying "Gerald!" "Woah!" I sink down with him as my feet are hanging on. "Gerald, (Y/n)! Are you okay?!" Arnold asks concerned "Gerald? Woah!" Helga says right afterward. I watch as the two fall down into flower petals, Gerald looks up at me and says "I think they're good." Deadpanning I just say "I would let go if I could, I'm kind of hanging by my feet here, dude."


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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