River Pirates

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

Once I got to the front I got blinded by a light, I didn't know what was happening, but I know I got pulled back from where I was. I look behind me to see Arnold, then in front of me I see a grapple as it goes to connect to the edge. Eduardo picked Arnold up, but Arnold didn't let go of my hands as he pulled me with them. I had to run to keep up, but we're back in the steering room "Arnold, it's Lasombra" Eduardo informs us. Clenching my fists in anger I say "I knew it!" Arnold flinched at my tone "what're we going to do?!" He asks worried.

"We'll fight back and get away! Stay down where they cannot see you, kids!" Eduardo says while pointing his weapon at us. "But what about our friends?!" We both ask out, but he answers with "forget them!" My eyes widen. Arnold took a few steps back as he's looking scared, but I look out the window and see one guy look me in the eyes. He yells to the other guys, so I gasp and take a few steps back, getting more and more aware of the situation. 'Oh my gosh - they know we're up here!!' "(Y/n), come on" Arnold says worried and pulls me to hide.

We went in this small tight space that only fits one of us, but he had me in his hold as we're holding the other out of fear, hearing the weapons clashing. Then the door opened- I flinched in his hold, but he scoots out, so I know it's safe as we stand up. "Hold on tight, amigos" Eduardo says as he flipped a few switches and pushed a button. He then pushed a lever, so Arnold actually held onto me as we both flew back, and we fell on our butts. I didn't want to open my eyes as I tried to hide my head in his neck, but I hear Eduardo talking again.

"Yes, my friends, I'm changing course down the Rio de Oscuridad! It has tricky and dangerous rapids! He wouldn't dare to follow!" Eduardo says. My body starts shaking at what he said alone, but Arnold starts rubbing my arm to comfort me. It felt like we turned, so I look up and I feel Arnold trying to stand up, which made me go with him. We're still holding the other as we look out the window "bueno, Lasombra may be a ruthless river pirate. But he is not crazy — no, far from it" Eduardo says as we're still looking out the front window.

The water looks way too tricky to get through, instantly I get my head back into Arnold's neck, but the turns made us fall again. We both grabbed onto a pole that's right here, but we're still hanging onto the other somehow. "Hold on tight!!" Eduardo yells out, but my palms are getting sweaty, right after he said that my grip slipped. I started to slide a bit, but felt Arnold pull me into his embrace as he's still hanging onto the pole. Right when we stopped I felt Arnold getting back up again, but he helped me to my feet as I'm still shaking.

We go out the door after Eduardo as he yells out "everyone, abandon ship!"

-time skip to morning/daylight-

We're still trying to get our luggage from the boat, but Arnold finally remembers Abner as he walks around yelling out his name. I finally decide to talk to him, my feet walked me over to him as I set my hand on his shoulder. "Abner abandoned ship before the pirates attacked" I tell him, Arnold looked at me shocked. Then Gerald asks out "so.. who else is starving?" Right at that moment my stomach grumbles. I wasn't paying attention to what was being said, but I know I heard, and felt, the boat explode.

"Now, friends, let me explain what has just happened back there" Eduardo says to the entire group, pretty sure Curly was the only one excited about this. "A thrilling, classic chase scene! And now we're shipwrecked and lost!!" Curly says as he twirls around. There's also a big smile on his face, so I deadpan at him, but when he twirled my way I punch his shoulder. He fell from the sudden punch, so I laugh a little, Arnold playfully hit my arm for that. Eduardo just continued explaining "untrue; we have escaped an unexpected attack, and yes, our boat is unfortunately wrecked."

I roll my eyes a bit at Arnold, but Eduardo was still talking "but there is good news! We are not lost; we can hike from here to our jungle habitat, a safe place." Eduardo is actually standing close by Arnold and I now, which I still feel like is a bad thing. "Is the habitat a short walk from here?" Eugene asks hopefully, so I look up at Eduardo with just as much hope. Eduardo has a sad look as he says "oh no.. no, it's many, many... many miles, over rough trails." Rhonda then says "oh, that is such bad news" "through a steep, muddy jungle" Eduardo continues.

'This can't get any worse-' "ugh, just got worse" "but then it smooths out" Eduardo says right after Rhonda, so we all gasp happily. Eduardo then says "and becomes an enormous swamp" then we all groan from hearing that. Someone whistles, so we turn and see Helga as she's glaring at Eduardo from where she's standing. "Okay, I demand an explanation, mister! What really happened back there? Who attacked us, and why?" Helga asks out and stands in front of Eduardo. 'Like he'd tell the truth-' "we were attacked by river pirates, their leader is called Lasombra, he is.. after Arnold."

The group started to murmur to eachother, but I feel myself looking down, and I already know Gerald is looking at us skeptically. Sid is the one to ask out "why is this 'Lasombra' guy after Arnold?" 'Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if he told this secret too.' "That is Arnold and (Y/n)'s business! Let's keep going, vámonos" Eduardo then starts walking. I finally look up and see Helga glaring at Arnold saying "we didn't sign up for this, Arnold, but you knew that already. Now we're literally up the river without a stinkin paddle!" I glare at her and stand in-between them.


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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