A Kiss~

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

-time skip to night-

I wasn't around Arnold, I wasn't with Helga, I wasn't with Gerald... yeah, I'm just in the room Arnold's parents were when they were asleep. Honestly, I just needed a break as I lean against the wall and slide my back against it. 'If only I could actually find out who my parents are, even if they're dead I wouldn't care! I just want to know. Arnold found his, every kid here got their parents back.. can I just know mine's names??' I think to myself.  "(Y/n)?!.... where'd you go??" Gerald yells out, I sigh and was about to yell back, but I heard footsteps.

Looking up I see Arnold right there, side smiling I wave saying "hey Arnold" Arnold walks in and sits next to me, so I look down. 'We haven't been alone since he was about to reject me... prepare yourself for awkwardness, (Y/n).' "(Y/n), I've known you my whole life, practically... and you've been nothing but kind and helpful towards me." I shrug my shoulders saying "yeah, so? That's what friends are for!" "Yet you also never showed your sadness, you just always wanted to help. Kind of like how I wanted to do with you, but somehow couldn't" Arnold continued, so I smile and laugh a little.

"Looks like I do your own job better than you, Arn" I say playfully, about to playfully shove him, but he grabbed my hand easily. I blush and hear him say "I always wondered if you were so nice to me because... well, you loved me." My blush darkened at that "loved?" I ask out and shake my head while saying "Arnold, stop jokin around." Arnold rubbed small circles on the back of my hand saying "look, I already remember you told me before. And I wasn't ready to hear it, you knew that would be your way of getting me to let you leave."

Arnold looks so sad as he's not even looking me in the eyes "because of the whole breaking a promise thing, you knew that's how I would let you go. I'd have to think on what you said, but now.. this whole time, sticking by my side, helping me find my parents. Getting away from Lasombra, it's all just because of you and Helga, but.. you also lost your own picture for me. I noticed when we were in the cage.. that locket-" "locket? What locket??" I ask trying to play dumb. "Helga already told me, and I already know, I talked to her before I talked to you, (Y/n)!" Arnold answers me.

'Okay, here comes the rejection-' "you got it for Helga as a birthday present since you knew of her feelings, and it saved my parents. You've done a lot... just to help me, and.... and..." Arnold sounds like he's getting a bit tongue tied. I look him in the eyes to see him closing his, he held my hand tighter as I noticed him leaning in. My blush darkened (if that's even possible) as I shake it away and lean in too, and it finally happened. 'Oh my gosh... so he actually likes me instead of Helga' I think as we continued the soft kiss.

"Mm-mm-mm! Now I've seen everything!!" Gerald says out loud, we separated the kiss and look away, I know I'm blushing, but I try not to look at either of my besties. Looking up though I see Helga and Arnold's parents 'oh geez, does that mean I see them too. Like, they're gonna see me everyday and probably tease us-' my blush darkened as I hid my face in my hands. Groaning out I mumble "oh boy..." Helga then says "hey, if you think you're not getting teased, think again. I got years worth of it for you!" I felt someone pulling me to my feet as Helga gets me in a soft choke hold.

She's not actually choking me, but the grip is tight enough to where I can't escape her hold, my eyes widen as I realize what she's gonna do. "You wouldn't dare" I say to her playfully as I playfully glare at her "watch me" she says with a smirk. Then she starts to give me a nuggie, so I struggle in her hold "nooo!" I say and try to get out of her hold. Gerald just starts laughing a bit as Arnold says "Helga!" And he playfully punched her shoulder. "That's not enough to stop me, Football-head!" Helga exclaims as she continues to give me a nuggie.

-back at home, after summer-

I yawn as I stretch and wake up, getting dressed for the day, already knowing that Arnold probably had that same dream again. Walking downstairs I see him still in his pajamas as he starts to tear up, so I ruffle up his, already messed up, hair. "You're such a doof" I tease him as I peck his cheek and hear Miles say "breakfast is served! Eggs in a basket." "Don't you mean toad in a hole?" Grandma asks him, so Stella says "we call it Eggs in a basket." Everyone starts to overlap the other with conversation, but Arnold does a bit of happy feet with a big smile.

He hugs me tight, kissed my cheek, then ran over to Stella and Miles saying "mom! Dad! You're really back" 'oh, he did this the entire summer. Ya thought I wouldn't still get touched by it, but he proves me wrong everytime' I think to myself. "Hey Arnold!" Stella and Miles say together as they hug Arnold, then they talk about that dream. Then Stella suggests about an adventure, so I intervene and wrap my arm around Arnold's shoulders. "Sorry, that adventure is gonna have to be postponed for a bit, we have school to go to" I answer her.

Arnold nods and Stella says "oh, of course! We knew that" Miles then says "sure, we're hip" Arnold goes up the stairs as I look over breakfast. Grabbing a few pieces of toast with eggs I eat them a bit quick since I'm hungry, and look up to see mom and dad. "Hey guys!" I say as I hug them "are we still going to that movie today?" Mom asks me. Dad then says "yeah, I've been waiting for this all summer to come out" then he does his laugh. I laugh a little and say "you already know there's no way I'll ditch out on this movie, it sounds amazing."


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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