Helga's Locket

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

'She better not be trying to say she likes him too-' Eduardo stands straight as he looks down at Arnold with a serious face. "They believe that you are the one to open the Corazón, and with the heart of gold inside, you would awaken the sleeping parents. And reunite them with their children" Eduardo explains to us, so I nervously bite my lip. Arnold then asks out "the Corazón.. was the cure?" "But.. it went over the cliff" Gerald and I say sadly. Arnold looks at me sadly, so I hug him as I say "we have to tell him what happened" Arnold nods his head.

Eduardo just looks down at her and begins to explain it to her, she's already crying, all of the kids in here are crying at this. Arnold breaks down in my hold, I wasn't prepared for it as we both fell to the floor and I'm still hugging him. My eyes start to get glossy as I look up at Helga 'I.. don't even think I have enough optimism to help. Helga, you gotta have something' "but they're alive! There's gotta be a way to wake up your parents." Realization hit me 'Helga's locket' I think to myself as I look up at her, she looks like she had the same idea.

I let Arnold cry against his parents as I pull Helga towards the stone wheel in that temple, probably leaving the others confused though. Looking up at the thing we stayed quiet as we share another look "it has to work... right?" Helga asks me. "It's all we got" I answer her, but we hear Arnold "Helga, what're you doing??" I look up at the thing. "This has to be it, you had to put the Corazón here, and then something would happen" I explain. Helga then says "we're not scientists" Eduardo then says "I know what this is, these are the controls to a machine Miles told me about."

Eduardo continued while motioning to a certain direction "the Green-Eyed people would put herbal formulas in the center altar. And the machine would spread them around aromatically" Arnold then says "my mom and dad knew about this. It's in the mural!" I then say "so... instead of herbs-" "look! They put the cure right here. So it could cure the whole city at once!" Arnold interrupts me happily, I smile big at this. Helga hits my shoulder "do you really think it'll fit??" She asks me while eye-balling the thing.

Doing the same I start to think on that.... 'honestly, it really could.... plus, it would be worth a shot' I think to myself and blink a few times. I guess I zoned out for a second, because Helga is finally deciding to show our idea of the locket. "I... might have something that would work" Helga says and shows her locket in her hands. Nodding I say "it's a heart" we share a look and both say "we think it could fit" I then add "it's only gold-plated." Helga then smiles at me saying "because she got it for me, it's not that much of a pure heart."

Arnold then looks up at us saying "I don't know, I think your heart... is more pure than you know" he holds his hands out for the locket. I feel myself blushing a bit as I nervously laugh, and Helga does her swooning noise at the same time. With that I know she's lost in Arnold-land, so I gently grab the locket and hand it to Arnold. 'Happy eighth birthday, Helga... turns out it will help more than she could ever think of.' I start getting nervous, that present costed a lot of money, and it could break in that thing.

Helga is just as nervous as we watch Arnold walk toward the wheel thing, but he's struggling with putting it in the wheel. I deadpan at him and mumble "you are such a Football-head" then I turn it slightly to the right. The heart goes into the wheel and the place starts shaking, the wheel is moving, and the children are cheering again. The roof of the temple opens up as the wheel keeps moving 'it's working... it's actually working.' Everything feels like it's moving in slow motion as the cure is actually starting to fall from a cloud.

Butterflies start flying up as the children start running back down the stairs, so realization hits me as I look at Arnold with teary eyes. "What the heck is going on??" Helga asks, but Arnold says "there's butterflies... wait, could that mean-" then he starts running. I start bouncing in my spot happily, but I held Helga back as I look at her happily for this. She smiles softly at me as I say "you know... that locket has gotten you helped and caused trouble. This is probably the best it's ever done!" Helga chuckled and lightly punched my shoulder.

"Yeah, because you decided to spoil me on a birthday!" Helga jokes, so I roll my eyes "hey, someone has to be the better friend." "Oh, so you're saying you're a better friend than me?" "I implied it, yes, because it's true, Pataki." We both playfully glare at the other while sticking out tongues, but Gerald shakes his head at us. "Mm-mm-mm! If you're both done playfully arguing, we can go finally see Arnold happy and meet his parents." I nod and say "I'll meet you there" he nods and finally starts going down the stairs and to catch up to Arnold.

Before I could start running I felt someone grab my wrist, I look back to see Helga as she's looking down nervously. "I don't want a boy to get in-between our friendship anymore" Helga mutters, so I smile big. Then I punch her shoulder saying "okay, whoever he chooses, we'll be happy with and not complain. Deal?" She smiles back and punched my shoulder, then we shake hands as she says "deal." We finally run to catch up with Gerald and Arnold, which wasn't all that hard since we know where they are.


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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