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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I nod my head and stand up "be back in a sec!" I say as I go towards stairs, then I start to look around for what is the attic. Then I find a little piece of string to a little door on the ceiling 'bingo!' I think to myself. Jumping up I grab it and pull it down, down came a set of stairs as I have to pull myself up. Walking up to the door I knock, about to say dinner's ready, but hear a very familiar voice. "I'm coming, grandpa! You didn't have to-" he ran into me, we both fell back and onto our butts.

"Okay, I'm not grandpa, but-" "(Y/n)?!" Arnold asks me shocked, I felt myself blush as I ask "A-Arnold?!" "I didn't know you were staying the night." Arnold stands up and offers his hand to me, so I laugh a little and accept his help saying "yeah. I'm also staying tomorrow, and the day after that-" "wait what??" "Arnold... I live here now." Arnold couldn't have looked more shocked, so I snap my fingers in front of his face, he shakes his head. "Sorry, I just didn't think you'd ever come, we've always hung out at the park, or something."

We start walking down the stairs as I say "I know what you mean, and this place seems so fun! I didn't know you lived here." Arnold nods saying "yeah, there's- wait... you got adopted in?? You got adopted?!" I smile at laugh a little. "Yeah, great huh?-" "that's so great!" Arnold hugs me, so I blush and just hug back saying "yeah." We stayed hugging for a second, but hear the elderly lady- "Romeo, Juliet - we have to have the family dinner. And you already know how your families get when they're together!" Then she laughs playfully.

I blush and look at her confused "did she just-" "yeah... she calls some people by different names sometimes, that one's new for me." We finally make it to the kitchen and sit down "Arnold, remember that new edition to the boarding house I was telling you about??" Grandpa asks. Arnold nods saying "yeah, but I didn't think you'd actually let it happen-" "you're lookin at her. Arnold this is-" "(Y/n), I already know" "you already introduced yourself, I see-" "no, we already knew eachother." Everyone looks at us shocked as I do my handshake with Arnold and we say "we're best friends."

Suzie smiles and gushed a bit saying "that's so sweet! I knew there was a good reason on why I should adopt you, (Y/n)" Oskar then says "yeah. And you could probably be a way of getting me money-" "Oskar!" "I mean... a new and great edition to the family." Oskar then laughs his laugh, so I chuckle a little as I continue eating my dinner, but Arnold is smiling at me. The short baldy says "what's gotten into ya, kid??" Arnold looks at the man saying "who? Me??" I nod my head. Grabbing the cup of water I say "you're staring-" "o-oh... I'm just happy that you could finally get a family, and a great one at that."

The elderly lady then lifts her glass up saying "to Juliet! A great edition to the Montague family!! Even to Romeo~" I tilt my head confused. Yet we all lifted our glass saying "to Juliet!" To encourage her anyways, since she won't change the toast. I get the glass to my mouth and take a drink, after eating I stand up, but grandpa says "you can let me wash your plate. You still need to settle in!" Arnold nods saying "I can show you to your room, it's close to mine." I smile and we go back to the stairs, but I go to my duffle-bags, getting close to grabbing them when Arnold spoke up.

"I can carry those for you-" "Arnold, I can do it-" "I insist-" "and I very nicely inform you, it's okay-" "(Y/n), let me carry them for you. You probably carried them around all day, let me-" "give me back my bags, Arnold!" We started to do a bit of tug-o-war with my bags. "I'll take them" Suzie says and tears the bags from our grasps, so we nervously laugh at this. Oskar then says "it's probably not gonna be as nice as we thought to have to helpful children around." "Oskar!" "What?? I was just trying to be funny" Oskar responds defensively to Arnold and Suzie.

We walk up the stairs and to the room closest to Arnold's staircase that leads to his room, then they open the door and it looks pretty basic. "Here you go, (Y/n)! If you need anything, we're in room nine!" Suzie says and carries my bags in. Oskar nods saying "or Arnold is right next door, we thought you two would get along great." "Which you were right about" Arnold says as he playfully elbows me, so I laugh and elbow him back. We start elbowing the other playfully, but Suzie says "Arnold, you already know it's basically time to go to bed."

Arnold nods saying "okay, goodnight Suzie, Oskar and (Y/n)!" I smile and say "night Arnold! Goodnight Suzie and Oskar, I hope you have a great night." They nod and I finally walk in my room, seeing that there's a personal bathroom and there are a few nails in the wall. I smile to myself as I dig around my bags, looking for the very few pictures that I have framed. My smile only grows as I get them on the nails and set my last one of my two best friends on the bedside table. Easily I sigh and just dig through my bags again and instantly change into pajamas, I feel so comfortable.

A knock comes to the door, so I walk over and look through the peephole, football head is all I see, so I laugh a little and open the door. "Hey Arnold... what's up??" I ask and lean on one foot more than the other, Arnold smiles at me. "Just wanted to say... it was great to know you're in the same boat as me... and now in the same house." We laugh a little at his joke, so I say "yeah, I know what you mean, everyone else knows their parents. Except for us... and I'm at least happy we can try to find yours" Arnold smiles and says "I should get to sleep, see you tomorrow" "yep. Tomorrow!"


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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