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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

"Wait, what?!" Arnold asks shocked as we stop in front of the orphanage, I laugh a little saying "yeah, that's why I'm always so busy. I went to school, I helped kids, I hung out with kids, then I also hung out with some at the orphanage. Not to mention help some kids see the glass half full at the orphanage" Arnold smiles big and hugs me. I blush, but hug back as he says "you're like me and more! How do you do it??" I blink and think on it. "Well, it helps when you also have friends to back you up... like you, Arnold" I answer as we separate.

Arnold is blushing a bit as he adjusts his hat "I'll see you tomorrow, (Y/n)" we do our handshake and I say "see ya later, Arn" he rolls his eyes at the nickname. "I told you to stop calling me that" "and I told you I would if you could come up with something better." We laugh a little as he finally starts to walk back to his home, and I walk into the orphanage. A couple is at the counter as they say "so you say she's helpful??" The lady asks as she sets her hand on the man's leg. The man nods as he laughs a little saying "because she could be a great help around the house."

The lady hits his leg a little saying "and she sounds delightful" Zara, the worker that is my personal best friend, smiles at the couple. "Of course, she's been here for years - I believe she's in the fifth grade right now" "oh, what a coincidence. That's the same grade as Ar-" "Zara?? What's going on??" I ask confused, they all look at me. Zara smiles saying "here she is, (Y/n) don't you remember Mr and Mrs Kokoshka?" I try to think. 'Oh wait, it's one of the many people that I had an interview with' I finally remember them.

Nodding I say "yeah, but I didn't think any of the people I had an interview with would actually come back" "why not??" "I don't really get my hopes up. I've done it too many times" I say with complete honesty, so the two share a sad look, but look at me with soft smiles. "Well, (Y/n)... get your hopes way up, because you're finally getting adopted!" Zara says happily. My eyes widen as tears came too "wait, what?!" I ask as I try not to cry in front of these guys. The lady nods her head saying "yeah! We thought about getting a child, and you were the only one to gain our attention."

The man nods saying "and you were the one I liked the most" I chuckle and say "okay, let me just-" "I already got your stuffed packed and ready to go. You could've been here right after school to see these two" Zara interrupts me, so I nervously laugh. "My bad, I was trying to do this last school project for a trip to San Lorenzo" I tell them the truth. The two nod as Zara says "I guess this is finally goodbye, (Y/n)" I nod saying "I guess it is." She wanted to do a handshake, but her eyes are getting a bit glossy, so I roll my eyes playfully.

I pull her into a hug and say "I'll miss this place... and you" she hugs back saying "you already know it won't be the same without you, sweetie." We separate the hug and do our small personal handshake, then I smile as I grab my duffle-bags. I look up at the two and say "I'm ready to go" the lady smiles and says "that's great, sweetheart. I'm sorry to say this though, we're gonna have to walk" I wave her off saying "it's okay. I've been walking everywhere for so long, I'm fine with it" the man then says "see, Suzie, I told you it'd be okay."

"At least grab her bags for her Oskar!" The lady says and points at me as we start walking out, so I shake my head saying "it's okay. I can carry it" the man nods saying "yeah, Suzie *laughs* she has it handled" the lady rolls her eyes softly. As we walk I finally decide to ask "so... what should I call you??" The two share a look as she says "whatever you're comfortable with." I smile softly and say "we'll start off on a first name basis, and work our way up to mom and dad. Okay??" Oskar nods saying "that sounds good to me" and he laughs that same laugh again.

After another few minutes Suzie says "here we are, (Y/n)... home sweet... boarding house" "hey, my friend lives in a boarding house." "Isn't that funny" Oskar says and laughs again, so we start to walk up the stairs, it's so loud. 'Ahh.. it doesn't even feel like I left the orphanage from all of the crosstalk' "there you two are. You almost missed dinner!" An elderly man says, so I set down my bags out of the walkway and walk up to him. Smiling big I hold out my hand "hi there! I'm (Y/n)" he looks at me and smiles "and you finally did get her, nice to meet ya kiddo."

He grabs my hand saying "just call me grandpa!" I smile and say "never had a grandpa-" "well, now ya do!" He jokes and laughs at his own joke. I chuckle a bit at that "honestly, grandpa! You need to learn new material if you're gonna try to keep joking around." The only thing I could do was follow the three as they walk towards, what I'm assuming is, the dining room. Once in there I almost fall because a pig ran past me to get in the kitchen, yelping I grab the doorframe for balance. Looking back up I see a lot of people in the room, an elderly woman, a bald short guy, and a different guy with glasses.

"Honestly, that boy is about to be late for dinner" grandpa says as the elderly woman starts to sound like she's playing the drums with her silverware. I smile as I sit down, seeing mashed potatoes, corn, and steak set out for whoever serves themselves. Serving myself up a plate I smile as I take a big bite, it's been a while since I had food this good. Sure I got fed at the orphanage, but it was small things, like tonight was just steak night. Now I'm getting a variety of stuff!! Before I could take another bite grandpa says "I'm sorry sweetie, can you go get the short man in his room?? It's in the attic."


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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