Chapter 5

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I belly flop on my bed as soon as I'm done and dial Jalissa's number.

"Hey Cals!"She cheers.

"You sly fox!Why didn't you tell me?"I laugh and she joins.

"That would've ruined the surprise don't you think?"

"I guess you're right.He's such a sweetheart for getting me the car for my birthday."

"Well duh.That's what happens when a guy actually really cares about you.They tend to surprise you a lot."

"Do you think we will ever end up together?I mean,I love how things are but,it's been a month now and still...nothing.What if another girl beats me to it?"

I'd lose my mind.

"I mean,he's Carlos all the ladies want him yet he doesn't even notice.He noticed you tho so that's super exciting.I don't think you have anything to worry about."

"Yeah I guess so.By the way,you'll never guess who I ran into today!"

"Who was it Cals?"


I hear her gasp before responding causing me to smile.


"I know!I sat next to him in class.At first I didn't recognize him because he's really changed quite a lot.Then I asked for his last name and realized it was Nathen from 9th grade."

"And what did you guys talk about?I mean,you guys did only end because he moved.Did he say anything about you guys?"

"No.Besides that's old news.I'm happy with Carlos.Well...whatever it is that we are.I'm happy."

"Whatever you say Cali.Just be careful alright?"

"Yeah yeah I know."

"Good.See you later roomie?"

"See you roomie."I chuckle.

We then exchange goodbyes and end the call.

Why would she say all that?I Doubt I'd be seeing him anywhere outside of the class we share anyways.



"Where are you!"

"I'm in my room!"I chuckle.

Carlos walks into the room and immediately belly flops onto the bed right next to me.

"Hey you."I greet still keeping my eyes on my phone's screen.

"Hey.Danny and Lissa will be home later in the evening so for now,it's just you and I."He informs also focusing on his phone's screen.


"Wanna go out for ice cream?"He asks making me put my phone down.

"Yeah.I'd like that."I smile.

"Okay then let's go."He cheers before getting up.

"You driving?"I ask and he nods.

*phone rings*

"Sorry I have to take this.It's work."He says smiling nervously.

"Okay.I'll go wait in the car."I try my best to mask my disappointment.

I wouldn't be surprised if he canceled.

He then holds my face making me look up at him and smiles.

I return it realizing it probably came out looking forced.

He's always busy lately.

His mom handed one of her businesses over to him so he's a CEO and a varsity student at the same time.

Nothing he can't handle though because he's crazy intelligent remember?I just hope us living together will mean we will get to spend more time together.

That's lowkey the reason why we haven't tied the knot yet.


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