Chapter 17

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"You okay?"

As soon as he asks me that question I immediately run to him for a hug.

Tears immediately escape from my eyes uncontrollably and I can't help but let all the pain out.

I was keeping a brave face for Nathen but I can't fool Danniel.

Him holding me as tight as he is is making me let go of everything I'm trying to keep in.

I was crying so much I was even gasping for air.

"Shhh.It's okay."He whispers as he tries to calm me down.

His voice is breaking a bit,I can hear in it his voice that he's fighting the urge to cry too.

I focus on his heartbeat and it helps me calm down.You should try it sometime.When you're upset and you're in comforting arms...listen to their heartbeat and close your eyes.It helps.

Soon after,Jalissa joins us and wraps her arms around us.

"We've got you don't worry."

When we break the hug,I sit on the bed making sure there's enough space for them to sit next to me on both sides.

"I'm gonna rip his spine out when he comes back home."Jalissa says trying her best to stay calm.

"When I went back to his office he wasn't there.Just his sl*t.Can you believe she tried getting with me!"

"Did you decline her offer?"I ask knowing very well he did not.Vanessa is hot and has an amazing body.There is no way in a million years he'd say no to that.

"Of course I didn't decline.Only because Carlos is an idiot.What better way to get back at him than to screw his fiancé?"

I chuckle lightly and Jalissa joins.

"Why did he give us false hope if he knew all along there was no hope for us?"

"F*ck him.I love him but I can't wait to f*ck him up the second he comes home because wtf!"

"You know what,I refuse to allow him to get into my head and spoil my day tomorrow."

"Yass!"Jalissa cheers.

"I'm not even going to bring up what happened today.I will just pretend him and I were never a thing."

I smile genuinely.

"Good.You coming home with us or are you staying here?"Danny asks.

"I think I should stay here tonight."

"I'll stay with you then."Lissa says before hugging me.

"Okay.Let's go join Nathen in the lounge.He said he'd get us pizza if we agreed to stay for a while so we can catch up."Danny says.

I nod and jump off the bed leaving my shoes behind.

The floor is carpet so walking barefoot feels as if though you're walking on clouds.

"Hey guys!"Nathen cheers making his beautiful warm smile visible.

"Hey hey!"I cheer.

We then join him and catch up.

The room was instantly filled with laughter and pure happiness.The energy was amazing.

As it started getting dark outside we decided to watch a movie.

When the movie ended,Lissa and I said our goodnights to the boys and went to the bedroom we'll be staying in.

"You ready for tomorrow?"She asks excited.

"Yeah.I just hope...he doesn't show up."

"No don't say that.When you say that,you give him power over you.I hope he does show up actually.I also hope you get cozy with Nathenial or some hunk.He needs to see what he's missing."

"Lissa..."I laugh and she joins.

Before falling asleep,we discuss her last minute dress shopping she wants to go for tomorrow morning.

I'm the organized one between us.

Carlos' POV


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