Chapter 28

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"Hey Carlos,why didn't you invite Vanessa?"She asks not looking at me.

"Should I get you some water?You're way too dizzy now."I laugh.

"I still hate how you slept with her more than once.I understand you didn't want to push me because you know my boundaries but still."

An unexpected tear slips from her eyes and I immediately feel guilt takeover.

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah you keep saying that."She dismissively says before standing and heading to the bathroom.


The front door opens and in 2 seconds I tackle Liam to the ground and sooner exchange punches to the face.

"What tf are you doing here!"I ask.

"I was invited by one of those bar sluts."He smirks making me bash his head into the ground repeatedly until Danniel pulls me back.

"Wtf did you just call her?"Danniel asks removing his shirt.

"A slut."Liam says laughing.

Nobody disrespects Calithea and gets away with it.

Danniel immediately kicks his stomach repeatedly before stomping on his face.

The crowd ran out as soon as Liam stopped moving.

"Is he dead?Did you kill him?"Calithea asks from behind us.

She looks horrified.She's giving us the same look she gave me yesterday when I was going to shoot Nathen.

"Maybe."Danniel says putting his shirt back on and I look away.I can't look at her.

"Only one way to be certain."I mumble before pulling my gun out and shooting him in the head.

Lissa isn't surprised but Calithea has never seen this site before.

The thing with Britney was different because it was to protect her.

Right now,all she sees is an innocent man killed for no reason which is far from the truth.

"What did you do!"She pushes me back while crying and does the same to Danniel.

We ignore her and call our men to get rid of the body.

"I need a shower."Danniel simply says before disappearing into the hallway.

"I need a drink."I say then head into the kitchen.

"Carlos why did you guys do that?Here!"Calithea asks waving her hands trying to get me to look at her.

I don't.

Calithea's POV

"I just saw you kill a man in front of me for no reason and you can't even look me in the eyes and tell me why!"

"I don't know what you want me to say Calithea."He shrugs his shoulders.

I wait for him to finish making his favorite mix then block him from leaving the kitchen forcing him to look at me.

His eyes are dark and lifeless.It's scary actually.


"No,Calithea be honest with me.If I were to ask you to be my girlfriend right now,would you say yes?"

He asks catching me off guard.

"That's not fair to ask me that after what just happened."

"Oh so you only want me when I'm not being all gangster?You don't live for this life and I get that,but this is the life I know.You can't just accept one side of me and not the other."

"Carlos you killed someone in front of me.That's not something I see everyday.Maybe if you were to be more open with me about all your dealings and what you do,I wouldn't react like this when witnessing everything."

"So basically you're shifting the blame towards me?You know what Calithea let's just pretend we never even had a thing going on.It's better that way.I'm single.You're single and that's that."

"That's not what I'm trying to say."

"I don't care about what you're trying to say so don't bother.I got my answer.Excuse me."

He then moves past me and heads up to his room.

What tf just happened?

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