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Harriette POV

Me and Dustin sat in his cabin with hot chocolates. It had been snowing which was rare in England but exciting when it does come.

Alec is now two months old and is starting grow into his own facial features. He's got Dustin's dark hair but Ryker's curls. Other than that, he doesn't look like neither of his dads, just Alec.

"So how have you and dam-," Dustin started but I stopped him.

"Someone's here." I muttered.

"What?" He dropped his mug on the floor and picked up Alec.

I put my mug on the coffee table and went outside. Just then I got a scent of vampires and a couple werewolves. Both coming from different directions.

"There's that hybrid." I heard someone shout. Just then Damien, Ryker, Tom, Toby and Jeremy all came out of the woods.

When they heard them words, their faces fell. Dustin was by my side in an instant. I could smell the cottage on him so I guessed he took Alec to Shelby.

"What are they talking about?" Damien looked at me.

Just then, three wolves came out and three vampires and that was it. Maybe they should have sent more people than three of each species to kill me.

All of a sudden, the wolves ran at me. Derek and my dad took down two, snapping their necks. I jumped at the third able to kill that one to.

Me, my dad, Derek and Dustin all stood in a line baring our fangs at the other vampires.

"Look." One chuckled. "We have no business with you, Aiden. We just want to kill your daughter and get the job over with."

"Touch one hair on her head and I'll sink my teeth in your neck. You won't see another day." My dad glared at the men.

"Dustin, you've have a child just like her. Where is he so we can kill that abomination as well." Another smirked.

"He's hidden." Dustin spat out.

Tom, Jeremy and Ryker all came over to us. They all growled warning the vampires to back off. Which only lead them to laugh like it was the funniest thing in the world.

"You've got dogs on your side. I didn't realise you'd stoop that low Derek." A red head smirked at him.

"I'm not. But I tolerate them for my goddaughter. That's what family does. And I'll protect her and lay down my life than see you harm a child." Derek growled.

"Not a child though. In the eyes of humans and wolves, yes. But she's isn't in vampire law. She may be a baby, but no hybrid is a supernatural. She will kill all of us, humans, witches, dogs and her own kind."

That's when I snapped. Winter and Lexi took over partly making sure they got apart of the kill and give me enough strength to kill them.

I used my vampire speed and ran at the closest one to me. My legs wrapped around his neck and my hands went under his chin. The other two came for me but was tackled by Ryker and Dustin. Tom and Jeremy incase shit hit the fan.

Just like that, a ripping sound filled my ears then the head of the man came off. His body dropped and I jumped landing on my feet. His head met the floor when I dropped it along with the body.

When I looked up, I saw everyone looking at me. My dad had worry all over his face then ran at me. My breathing got heavier until I heard heavy footsteps behind me.

Before I could look, I got the scent of Damien and him tackling me. We both growled and tried to pin one another.

I just about stood up and used my vampire speed to lead him away from my family. I could hear five wolves following me and three vampires.

Finally I got to a clearing in the woods. I stopped for a second but that second was a mistake. I was tackled again with Damien's black and white wolf on top of me. Toby's brown wolf was by my head both of them growling at me.

Damien shifted and hovered over me. His hand went to my neck and held me down.

"Good friends with the hybrid, are you? You'll be able to help Ryker and Dustin's son because you know the diet of the hybrid. You hid from me." He spat out but his voice cracked.

I heard Jeremy, Tom, Dustin, my dad and Derek stop and watched everything unfold. My heartbeat was fast and I started up at Damien with fear.

"You kill people, Harri." He started crying. "You kill innocent people wether they're human or not."

"No I don't." Tears fell. "I don't I promise. I've never touched a human or creature. You can ask anyone, I've gone my whole life living on blood bags or animals." I sobbed.

"But I have to kill you. You don't understand what I've been told. I've been sent all over the world to kill you." Damien cried.

"You don't have to do this, Damien." Ryker called out.

"I understand baby. You do that you think is right. I love you, forever and always." I reached up and put my hand on his cheek.

I felt him put his other hand around my neck. Just then I felt him put his head on my shoulder.

"I can't, I can't do it." My mate sobbed.

"Damien you don't have to." Toby stated.

"Yes I do. If I don't they will. I'm sorry Harri." He whispered.

"I get it." I cried. "But leave Alec. My dad and Dustin will help him have the same diet I did. Let him grow up and be a boy."

He nodded and sniffled. Just then his hands got tighter around my neck and I could feel Lexi and winter trying to fight him off but I won't let them.

All of a sudden Damien was pulled off me and someone lifting me up. The last thing I saw was Toby, Ryker, Tom and Jeremy trying to keep Damien from me.

My dad, Derek, me and Dustin all got back to the cottage and started packing.

Once me and my dad was ready and packed, we said goodbye to dustin, Alec, Derek and Shelby. Of course they cried but it wasn't permanent.

We didn't waste time rushing to the airport and getting on the first flight to leave as soon as possible. I knew Damien was going to find out sooner or later but I was hoping I could tell him.

But if we ever do meet again, I won't have to waste my energy masking my scent. Hopefully he'll forgive me.

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