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Damien POV

After a couple hours, Harriette woke up and faced me. She still had her eyes closed but I knew she was awake since she started kissing my chest.

"What are you up to?" I chuckled lightly.

"Thank you." My mate mumbled.

"What for?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"For letting me take some of your blood. My dad told me at some time in my life that I'll need the blood of my mate. A blood bag won't work or even a bond feeding. So thank you." Harri explained.

"Anytime. Baby next time you get hungry just ask me, I really don't mind giving it to you if it means you stay healthy. You really scared me today, I never want to see you like that again." I sighed and made my grip tighten around her.

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok. When was the last time you fed anyway?" I questioned her.

"Two days before I saw you." She admitted. "I guess I haven't thought about it since I've been with you. You take up most of my mind. And body." She giggled.

"Don't start. We should shower and get dressed. Your dad and the others are really worried about you." I sighed.

"Ok." Harriette nodded. We birth got up and went into her bathroom. With a quick round of shower sex and body washing we finally got out and dressed.

"Do you two always have to have sex?" Toby whined.

"Well we want a pup. Since Harri's part vampire it's a struggle to reproduce. So we will do it whenever we get that chance no matter who's in the house." I shrugged.

"How you feeling baby girl?" Aiden looked at his daughter. Hopefully I get a daughter one day so I can love and protect her until she gets a mate.

"Better now. I just need to get better at feeding so it doesn't happen again." Harriette smiled a little.

"It won't. You can take whatever you want whenever you want. I won't stop you because that scared me seeing you like that." I held my mate close to my side tightly.

"I agree with that. I've never seen a vampire like that ever." Dustin breathed out.

"I'm sorry. Damien has taken up my time since we hadn't seen each other in over a year. It's a one time thing and I'll get better." Harri rolled her eyes.

"You better you little bitch. You gave me a heart attack." Dustin scolded her.

"Babe you don't even have a heartbeat." Ryker rolled his eyes.

"That doesn't mean I can't use the phrase." Dustin frowned and readjusted Alec on his hip.

"Will you all shut up or go elsewhere? I'm trying to watch the game." Derek growled.

"No old man. You have a bedroom that has a tv and the same system as in here. Use it." Dustin sassed.

"Don't make me put you through the wall again." Derek glared at him.

"You can." He shrugged. "But it's your house not mine."

"Fucking dick." Derek mumbled.

"Come again. Do I have to beat your arse again." Dustin asked then froze. "That sounds so wrong. Not like that obviously. I'll punch you in the face. Make you have a black eye for a couple days."

"You're really starting to piss me and Oliver off." He growled.

"Ohh, I like Oliver. He has a better personality than you. He actually talks to us."

"Stop it Dustin." Shelby rolled her eyes. "And you," she pointed at her one. "Pack it in. I will not have you put another hole in my house."

"Yes Shelby." Both Dustin and Derek mumbled while my mate giggled next to me with her dad.

"Are they always like this?" I asked them.

"Always." Aiden and Harriette laughed together.

"I find it amusing how a 365 year old argues with a 201 year old." Aiden chuckled.

"Yeah a man and a baby. Well by law anyway. You should know better Derek." Harri giggled.

"Well he is a baby." Derek scoffed.

"Excuse you. If anything I'm more of an adult than you." Dustin gasped.

"Oh yeah? How is that then?" Derek rolled his eyes.

"Because I'm a dad. Where's yours and Shelby's kids?" He stated. Everyone then went silent not saying anything.

"Don't Tell me something happened to one of you before you met?" Dustin gulped.

Shelby nodded and put her head down. Derek used his vampire speed and wrapped his arms around her as she silently cried to her one. Aiden and Harriette had sadness in their eyes while they looked at Shelby and Derek.

"What happened?" I mind linked my mate.

"When Shelby was 123 years old she was caught by a pack of wolves. They would beat and rape her for fun. But before they started that she had a surgery to get her tubes tied. She had gotten pregnant with the alphas baby and it would have been a bastard child back then and a hybrid. So the men cut the foetus out and tied her tubes. Shelby can't have kids because she can't get them untied." She explained.

"Shelby I'm so sorry. I just thought you didn't want kids that's why you didn't have any." Dustin told her sincerely.

"How did she meet Derek?" I asked.

"The beta female had found her in the cells one day. She was disgusted and told the Luna and she agreed. Both women stood up to the men as no man would harm their mates purposely. So they let her go. When Shelby got out of the territory she got scent of Derek and found this place. They've lived here ever since. Derek never used the time in the pack against her or brings it up in arguments. He didn't care if she was already used or broken because he fixed her. Made Shelby who she is now. But there are times when she sees something and she goes back to that time. Especially with the baby she never got to fee kick or know the gender of." Harri sighed sadly.

I pulled her closer to me as a stray tear fell down her cheek. I kissed her head and laid mine on hers. Everyone in the room was still silent and Dustin looked guilty as hell.

"Shelby-," Dustin started.

"I think that's enough, Dustin. You should leave." Derek growled.

He nodded sadly and left with Ryker and Alec. Me and Harriette went knot her room while the boys left as well. What pack did that to her?

"Baby do you know what pack and alpha did that to her?" I looked at Harri.

"Um, the blue moon pack and alpha, James I think." She replied.

Oh my god, that's my grandad.

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