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daniel comes into my room while i'm watching netflix and jumps on my beanbag.

"sav let's go get food right now." he says.

i pause my netflix and groan.

"i don't wanna drive." i say laying my head back.

"uh that's why i'm here now get your lazy ass up and let's go get chic-fil-a." he says pulling me up off of the beanbag and dragging me downstairs.

"daniellllll." i say as me pulls me downstairs.

"shush. i'll carry you." he says picking me up and putting me on his back.

he carries me to his car and puts me in the passenger seat and then closes my door and then get into the drivers seat and pulls out of the driveway.

i grab the aux cord and plug it into my phone and turn on falling by harry styles and i start quietly singing.

"i'm fallin again, i'm fallin again, i'm fallin." i sing.

daniel looks over at me and then back to the road.

we get to chic-fil-a and he orders. he knows what i usually get so he doesn't ask me.

he pulls up to the window to get the food and he hands me the bag and pulls away.

i look into the bag and i pull out my large fries and my chicken-fil-a sauce. daniel grabs one of my fries and eats it and i give him a death look.

"do not take my food bitch." i say.

"i paid for it." he says.

"well now i feel bad." i say putting my food down.

"no no no. i was joking sav, stop eat please." he says looking at me.

"no. i'm not going to." i say putting the food back in the bag.

"sav, baby please eat." he says stopping the car in the parking lot and grabbing my hand.

why did he call me baby? i- uhhh. 🦋🦋

i look at him and he grabs the bag of food and hands me the fries.

"please?" he says holding out the fries.

i grab them and i eat one of them. daniel smiles at me and then starts to drive away and back to the house.

he pulls into the driveway and i get out and go into my room and i lay on my beanbag and i start watching greys. daniel comes up and sits down behind me and lays my head on his lap and eats his food and watch's it with me.

"holy shit jackson avery is so hot." i say as jackson walks onto the screen.

daniel looks at me and laughs.

"what he is." i say laughing.

i grab my camera and turn it on and i put a fry in my mouth.

"yo guys i'm ending this now, me and daniel went to get chic-fil-a" i say as i lift my camera up and i show daniel eating his sandwich. "now we are watching greys anatomy, of course and yeah imma just end this here, subscribe, if you don't already, i'm a very great person with very good content." i say laughing and looking up at daniel again, referring to the prank from eariler.

he bends down and whispers in my ear.

"i wouldn't have been mad if that wasn't a prank. i would have taken it farther if you would have let me." he kisses my forehead and i look into the camera and i blush.

"um anyways so imma go now, bye bitchesss." i say turning off the camera.

i look up at daniel.

"i'm going to slap you, you know that right." i say laughing.

"what i'm not lying." he says.

i playfully roll my eyes and i get up and i lay in bed.

"i'm tired, i'm going to bed, goodnight." i say laying down and covering up.

daniel gets up and lays in bed beside me and wraps his arms around me and i close my eyes.

"goodnight savannah." he says kissing the back of my head.

"night dani." i say closing my eyes and falling asleep.

ok this is part 2 but now i gotta take a shower and go to bed or sum cause i got schOoOol tomorrow

𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙜𝙤 (𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙)Where stories live. Discover now