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daniels pov
shit. fuck. i run downstairs and everyone is in the living room reading something on their phones. i'm assuming it's the same thing i just got.

"guys? guys? do you know where sav is?" i say starting to freak out.

"why do you care anyways?" kaitlyn says.

"you know what. get the fuck out of my house. we are done. this is my best friend and the love of my life we are talking about here. all this because if you. all this because of me. none of this should have happened. so fucking leave and i never want to see your face again." i say screaming at kaitlyn as she storms out of the door.

"does anyone have her location? please. please. fucking god don't let her do it before we get there. i cant lose her." i say with tears running down my cheeks.

christina looks up and wipes her tears.

"um yeah-yeah i have her location. she didn't turn it off. she is at that abandoned building down the road." she says.

i quickly grab my car keys and we all run out of the house and we take two different cars and i speed down the the building. as fast as i can without getting in a wreck.

please for the love of god. i love this girl so fucking much. please please please don't let her be gone before i get up there.

we park in the parking lot and i see her up on the top of the building. i run inside of the building and i run as fast as i can up the stairs without tripping with everyone following behind me.

i open the door to the top of the building and i see that she is standing on the edge of the building with one foot out.

we all start yelling but i don't think she is listening.

i run up to the edge of the building where she is at and then she goes to jump.

"SAVANNAH NO." i say and i get there just in time to grab her by the waist and pull her to me. i drop to the ground with her in my arms and i start crying more than what i was.

savannah's pov
right when i go to jump i feel someone wrap their arms around my waist and pull me back and then they drop to the ground with me. i here the sobbing and i realize it's daniel.

i start crying and pounding on his chest.

"daniel let me go, please just let me go." i say sobbing and punching his chest.

he stands up and walks with me away from the edge so that i don't try to do it again.

"no i'm not letting you go." he says trying to stop crying.

"please please please just let me jump, let me go, i wanna be gone, please." i say trying to get out of his grip.

"no stop." he says grabbing my face and making me look at him in the eyes.

"i can't. i will not lose you. i cannot lose you." he says looking me in the eyes.

i'm sobbing in his arms, begging him to just let me go.

"savannah shut up. i'm not letting you go." he says again.

"why." i say still sobbing.

"because i fucking love you that's why." he says yelling into my face.

everyone else is just watching this happen crying, happy that i'm still here.

i look daniel in the eyes.

"i would kiss you but this is a very wrong time for that." i say while crying still.

daniel grabs my face and he pulls me into a kiss. it calmed me down though. my breathing is going back to normal. my thoughts stopped going through my head. it's like. right when he kissed me, i felt normal. like i didn't just try to end my life. i felt safe and loved.

he pulled away and my crying started to die down and then i look at the others and i run to them and i give them a hug.

"i love you guys. i'm so sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry." i say. i'm trying my best to act like i didn't try to take my own life but i know that, that is all that's going through their heads.

"please i just want to lay in my bed." i say looking at them. they all nod and daniel grabs my hand and we all walk down the same stairs that i didn't think i would be walking on again.

i rode with daniel and he would not leave me side. he took my upstairs to my room and he shut the door.

"wearing my shirt." he says looking at the shirt i'm wearing.

"you were going to do it, in one of my shirts?" he says looking at me.

i look down not even realizing it was his.

"i didn't notice." i say.

"it's my fault that you almost did that wasn't it because i broke up with kaitlyn and i didn't mean what i said, i really truly didn't mean it when i said it. i would care if you were gone. hell id probably be gone too." he says looking at me.

i just kind of shrug.

"i really do love you sav." he says.

i lay down in bed and he lays beside me and wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead.

i don't even have enough energy to answer him right now.

fuck fuck fuck fuck.

it's ok if you cried. because i did too. it's ok. it's ok.

𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙜𝙤 (𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙)Where stories live. Discover now