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a few weeks later

me and daniel are going to look at houses. i thought it through and decided that it would probably be best to get our own place considering i'm 28 weeks pregnant and the girls are due in february.

right now we are looking at this house that is 2 blocks down from the house. i want to be close just in case but i don't know how daniel feels.

we walk inside and i just feel like i don't have much of an connection with it. the outside of the house is very nice but by the looks of it, the last owners kind of trashed it.

i instantly walk out of the house.

"nope." i say as i walk back down the road to our house.

i walk inside and corbyn looks at me.

"wooahhh what's wrong with you?" he asks.

i plop down on the couch.

"looking for our own place in hopeless, we've been to so many houses today and none of them feel right." i say.

"there is a pretty nice looking house a few roads over. you guys should go check that one out." jack says walking down the stairs and into the kitchen.

i groan.

"not right now, i'm too tired and i want some pizza rolls." i say.

jack and corbyn both laugh.

"jack please make me some pizza rolls." i say and then i hear the freezer open and a bag make noises.

"thank you." i say and then daniel walks inside.

"what was wrong with that house?" he asks, acting clueless.

"don't even with me. the carpet was stained, there were crayon on the walls, the hard wood floor was halfway tore out off the ground, it just wasn't the one." i say.

"it's a house savannah, you can easily fix it up." he says.

"daniel you don't get it. if i'm getting a house it's going to have to be the one i have a good gut feeling about raising our kids in and that one wasn't it." i say.

daniel sighs and sits next to me.

"ok fine then we will go look at more."

i shake my head.

"not right now, jack is making me pizza rolls." i say and then i hear the microwave beep.

jack comes out of the kitchen with a huge plate filled with pizza rolls and some ranch in a little bowl.

"oh my god, i literally love you. thank you." i say grabbing the plate from jack and eating them.

i finish my pizza rolls and i stand up.

"ok we can go look at houses again now." i say putting my shoes on and walking to daniels car.

"jack said there is a house a few roads over thst looks nice from the outside that's for sale." i say and then daniel drive over to the house.

we pull up to the house and i have the urge to just run inside.

it's a really nice looking house. we open up the door and i step inside. i look around and i instantly fall in love with the whole house itself.

i look at daniel and we walk upstairs. i feel like there are so many hallways and i just love this house so much.

i look at daniel and i smile.

"now this is the one."


this is a shorter filler chapter but it's late and i start school again tomorrow and i don't want too but i'm tired so yeah

𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙜𝙤 (𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙)Where stories live. Discover now