|twenty five|

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2 years later

today is the girls 2nd birthday. it's sooo unbelievable how much they have grown in so little time. it does not feel like 2 years.

"bentlee rae, come here so mommy can get you dressed." i say grabbing an outfit.

i hear giggling and running.

"mommy help me, daddy is going to get me." she says running into the room giggling with daniel running in behind her.

she runs and jumps into my arms and i smile. daniel walks up to us and starts tickling her.

"i love you b." he says.

"luh you daddy." she says kissing him on the cheek.

i hear paislee run into the room.

"lee lee you didn't come find me." she says making grabby hand to daniel and daniel picks her up.

i start changing bentlee and then i put paislee in a similar outfit and we take pictures.

i start changing bentlee and then i put paislee in a similar outfit and we take pictures

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savannahh.: happy 2nd birthday to my beautiful little girls<3 mommy and daddy love you guys soooo much.


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seaveydaniel: happy 2nd birthday to my two beautiful little girls

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seaveydaniel: happy 2nd birthday to my two beautiful little girls. we love you guys sooo much girls


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we decided to have a birthday party for the girls at our house.

we have it all decorated and then people start showing up and everything.

"i'm homeeee." i here someone say.

i look around the corner and it's christina and the boys.

"auntie tina." bentlee says running up to her and giving her a hug.

"zachyyy." paislee says giggling and running up to zach.

all imma say is zach is definitely paislee favorite person ever.

we open the girls presents and eat cake and everything else you could possibly do at a toddlers birthday party.

everyone ends up leaving and i start cleaning up things while daniel puts the girls to bed. she comes down the stairs and helps me clean up.

i yawn as i grab the broom and starts sweeping.

"sav go to bed, i got this." daniel says grabbing the brook as i yawn again.

"no i don't want you to have to clean up by yourself." i say grabbing it from him again.

he grabs the broom from me and sits it against the counter.

"come on let's just go lay down i'll go this later." he says grabbing my hand and taking me to our bedroom.

i lay down in the bed and he lays beside me wrapping his arms around me and playing with my hair until i doze off into sleep.

                               daniels pov

once i know she's asleep i slowly get out of bed and i go downstairs to clean everything up.

i put away all the toys and i pick up the garbage and clean the counters until everything is clean.

i go back upstairs into the girls room and they are both asleep so i go back to mine and savannah's room and i lay down beside her again.

she moves her body and lays right up against me and i kiss her cheek.

"i love you." i say and then i fall asleep.

this is a short chapter but it's ok

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