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i see pink splatter all over the canvas in front of me and without hesitation i look over to daniels canvas.


i look at daniel and i jump on him and i hug him.

"we are having 2 little girls." i say as he presses his forehead up against mine.

"baby girls." he says smiling and kissing me.

i smile into the kiss.

we pull away from the kiss and we hug again.

"i'm so excited." i say.

christina and anna both run up to me and they both hug me.

"ohhh these girls are going to be spoiled by their daddy." anna says laughing pulling away from the hug.

"i knew yall would be excitedddd." christina says.

"i love the idea too because me and daniel and hang them up in the nursery with there names on them." i say looking at the canvases.

"awhh that would be cutee." anna says looking at the paint splattered on the canvases.

daniels mom come up to me.

"congratulations sweetheart." she says hugging me.

i hug her back.

"i haven't seen you in so long, you are such a pretty girl." she says smiling at me.

"i know i haven't seen you guys in a while." i say.

"has daniel been treating you good?" she says.

btw she has no idea about anything that has happened. absolutely nothing. not about kaitlyn or my "attempt" or anything.

"yeah we are doing good." i say and then daniel walks up to us.

he puts his hands on my waist and stands behind me.

"whatcha guys talking about." daniel says kissing my cheek.

"nothing just talking. i have seen her in so long." i say smiling.

"i was just asking if you've been treating her good and if anything has happened." keri says.

daniel looks at me and i give him a sympathetic look.

"we are doing just fine." he says smiling.

"i'm going to go talk to some of my friends." he says kissing my hand and pulling his hand away from mine as he walks away.

"ok love you." i kind of yell so that he hears me.

"do your guys fans know?" keri asks.

"no none of the fans know, i'm not completely sure if we told them we were dating yet or not." i say shrugging.

she laughs.

"you kids are crazy but i know you guys love each other. i'm going to have my first grand babies." she says hugging me.

i hug her back.


the gender reveal party is over and the boys and christina are cleaning up.

my back kind of hurts so i'm sitting on the couch.

daniel walks in and sits beside me.

"are you ok?" he asks looking at me.

"my back just hurts." i say.

"i'll give you a back and shoulder massage." he says turning his body and motioning for me to turn mine.

i turn my body and he starts rubbing my back and shoulders.

"so do you want to get our own place?" he says rubbing my shoulders.

i close my eyes.

"i want to, yes, but then again i don't want to leave here." i say sighing.

he continues to rub my shoulders.

"if you don't want to it's perfectly ok, we can make it work here. i just thought i'd ask again because we are starting our own little family and we could have the girls nursery be our own and we can decorate a house and all of that." he says.

"we have all the time in the world for this. we will figure everything out dani, i promise." i say.

i hear him kind of sigh but he continues to rub my shoulders.

"i'm sorry for bringing it up." he says.

"daniel you are ok, i'm just really exhausted from today. we can talk about it tomorrow." i say.

he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls my body to lay against him.

he kisses my shoulder.

"just relax sav." he says.

i sigh and i let my body sink and relax into his touch.

"do you want to take a hot bath?" he asks me.

i shake my head and i close my eyes.

"no i just want to stay right here." i say.

i keep my eyes close until i slowly start to fall asleep.


sorry for not being active, i'm on fall break and i go back to school tomorrow so i was living my life yk😂

𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙜𝙤 (𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙)Where stories live. Discover now