|twenty six|

8 0 0

couple years later

we are getting married tomorrow.

the girls are at school right now. they have grown up so fast. they are already almost 5 years old.

i still can't believe we are getting married tomorrow though.

daniel walks downstairs and grabs his keys.

"i'm going to go get the girls from preschool. i'll be back in a little bit." he says hugging and kissing my cheek.

"i love you." i say pecking him on the lips.

"i love you." he says kissing me back and then walking out the door.

i decide to go upstairs and finish redoing the girls bathroom and bedroom since they got their big girl beds now

they have bunk beds and they wanted their room to be gray, white and purple.

it's been an hour and daniel isn't back yet so he probably went to get the girls food because they are usually hungry after school.

i get a call on my phone and i answer it.

"hello." i say

"hey savannah, are you guys on your way to get the girls yet?" the preschool teacher asks.

"daniel should have been there by now, he left an hour ago." i say starting to freak out a little.

"nope he hasn't been here, the girls are just playing in the toy room but i can only stay here so long." she says.

"ok i'm so sorry i'll be on my way." i say.

i run downstairs and i grab my keys and i get in the car. i start driving and i try to call daniel but it goes straight to voicemail.

so i try to call corbyn.

"hello." he says.

"have you seen daniel?" i ask.

"no why?" he says.

"fucking shit, he left an hour ago to get the girls and i just got a call from the teacher saying they were still there." i say.

"and there is a bunch of traffic, god damn great." i say.

"i haven't heard from him." corbyn says.

i see a bunch of cops cars and shit on the road in front of me.

"what the fu- no no." i say and i drop my phone.

"savannah? savannah?" i hear muffled.

i hear honking from the cars behind me trying to get me to go but i can't move.

i put my car in park and i get out and i run up to the crash.

"maam you can't go pass here." the cops says blocking me.

i point to the car.

"who-who was in that car?" i say looking at the guy.

"white man, mid 20's." the cop continues and then another cop coming up and hand them a wallet.

"this man has kids." the other cop saying after handing the wallet over.

"let me see." i say.

"maam i can't let you do that." he says.

"let me see the god damn wallet." i say.

the cop opens it and pulls out a wallet picture and then looks up at me.

"maam is this you in this picture?" he says turning the picture towards me.

my heart drops and i feel the tears start to come down my face.

"no no no no no, this can't be happening. he was only supposed to pick up the kids and and we are getting married tomorrow." i say breaking down.

"maam....this man is in very critical condition and had to be air lifted to the hospital." the cop says.

i run to my car and i speed off. i grab my phone  and i call christina.

"tina go get my kids." i say as my voice breaks.

"sav i'm kinda busy right now." she says.

"christina, daniel is in the hospital in critical condition. he was going to get the kids and-and he crashing. go get my fucking kids now." i say yelling and throwing my phone on the floor board of my car.

i start breaking down in tears.

this can not be happening right now. not today. not ever. i can not lose this man. the love of my life. the father of my two beautiful little girls. i cant do this.

well shit i don't like this

𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙜𝙤 (𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙)Where stories live. Discover now