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it's been a week.... a week since i've left my room. daniels girlfriend keeps threatening me and calling me a whore and a slut and telling me that i should kill myself and that i'd be better off not being here. not gonna lie...kinda starting to believe her.

everyone keeps trying to get me to come out, including daniel, but he's the one i don't even talk to.

i've cut. again. i don't know, i shouldn't but i do. i used to when i was younger due to childhood trauma but we don't talk about that.

i feel bad for doing it. i don't know what to do. i haven't talked to anybody, i haven't ate in a week.

end of tw

i want daniel so much. he keeps trying to talk to me but i won't talk to him. i hear another knock at my door.

"leave me alone." i say.

"sav, you haven't came out of your room in a week, you need to eat something." i hear daniel say knocking lightly.

"go daniel." i say.

"why are you mad at me?" he asks.

i walk over to my door and i open it and he looks at me shocked. i've had my hair in the same messy bun for days, i've wore the same clothes for the whole week and you can see the cuts on my wrist clearly.

"why am i mad you?" i say scoffing.

"why am i mad at you?" i repeat.

"what's wrong?" he looks at me confused.

"you have the audacity to ask why i'm mad at you?" i say.

"wow maybe the fact that you all of the sudden just came out and told me you had a girlfriend and that best part is that you were talking to her for a whole month." i say.

"why is that making you mad?" he says.

i scoff.

"we are talking about the same month you were kissing me. the same month you were taking me to the beach. the same month when you were cuddling me in bed and making me feel safe. the same FUCKING month that you told me you liked me back. the same FUCKING MONTH YOU MADE ME FALL DEEPER IN LOVE WITH YOU AND YOU WERE TALKING TO ANOTHER GIRL THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME." i say as i start crying.

"so YOU don't get to ask ME why i'm mad at you." i say bawling.

he looks at me in shock and then tries to pull me into a hug. i push him back.

"don't fucking touch me." i say slamming the door in his face and locking it.

                                 daniels pov
she slams the door in my face and i just stand there in utter shock. i see christina walk out of her room and she crosses her arms.

"you are fucking stupid." she says shaking her head.

"wow you aren't the only person who has told me that today." i say sarcastically.

she scoffs.

"i'm serious daniel, sav is so hurt. she won't come out of her room, she won't talk to anybody, and you can not tell me you didn't see the cuts down her arms. not to mention your hoe of a girlfriend has been threatening her and calling she everything under the sun making her feel this way." she says looking at me.

"katilyn wouldn't say mean things like that." i say crossing me arms.

"yeah well if you think that you are more dumb than i thought." she says shaking her head and walking back into her room.

𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙜𝙤 (𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙)Where stories live. Discover now