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i wake up around 12 and i take a shower. when i get out of the shower daniel is in my room.

"what are you doing in here?" i ask.

"waiting for you to get out of the shower." he says looking at me while i walk into my closet and grab a pair of leggings and one of his shirts.

i walk out of my closet.

"are you going somewhere?" he asks.

"uh yeah me and christina are going shopping." i say lying to him.

"we went shopping yesterday though." he says looking at me.

"she wants to not me." i say.

"why are you going then?" he asks.

"why are you asking me so many questions? it's really none of your concern i have to be somewhere by 2 so i'm leaving." i say in a mad tone walking out of my bedroom and walk downstairs.

"you ready?" christina asks me.

i sigh.

"as ready as i'll ever be. i just got mad at daniel so can we please leave before he comes down here and makes me feel worse than what i do." i say walking out of the door and christina follows me.

we get in the car and we pull away and we drive to the hospital.

when we get there we go in and i sign in and everything and i wait to be called.

"savannah?" a girl says and i look up and walk towards her.

she smiles at me and christina.

"follow me this way." she says and take us to a room.

we get to the room and she shuts the door.

"i know you two girls." she says patting the table for me to sit on.

i look at her confused.

"my daughters watch you guys and those boys on youtube all the time, i was surprised to have the call." she says setting everything up.

"how old are you daughters?" i ask.

"10 and 13." she says.

i tilt my head.

"you look so young to have a 13 year old and a 10 year old." i say.

she laughs.

"yeah i'm 29. i had my 13 year old at 16 and my 10 year old when i was your age." she says getting the gel and stuff.

"was it hard?" i ask her looking at her.

"it was at first but it's worth it." she says lifting up my shirt and putting the gel on my stomach.

"my girls ship you and the one named daniel, i do believe. says you guys act like you are dating, mind if i ask?" she says turning on the machine.

i laugh a little.

"uh yeah. that's my boyfriend. the fans don't know we are dating yet. the baby is his." i say looking at her.

"i promise i won't tell them any of this i respect your guys personal life." she says rubbing the thing on my stomach.

i smile at her and i look at the machine.

"ok so by the looks of this you look to be about 3 weeks." she says going over the little blob that's in my stomach.

"wow, there is actually something in there." i say kind of smiling.

she laughs.

"yeah there definitely is." she says and wipes the gel off of my stomach.

i sit up and i get off of the table.

"thank you so much." i say as me and christina start walking out the door.

"and savannah?" she says and i turn around to look at her.

"don't be afraid to tell him. i promise he will still love you." she says while smiling at me.

i smile back at her and we walk out of the hospital and we go back home.

we walk in the front door and the boys are downstairs.

daniel looks at me.

"i thought you said you guys were going shopping."

"um we decided not to." i say.

"then where were you guys at for 2 hours?" he asks.

"just driving around." christina says.

he looks at us and rolls his eyes and then looks away.

i'm so fed up with this.

"you know what daniel, i seriously don't understand why you are like this." i say in a shitty tone.

he turns and looks at me.

"because you are lying to me and it's so obvious." he says.

"because i have a personal life too daniel. maybe i'm not ready to tell you what's going on yet. maybe i'm not fucking ready to tell YOU i'm fucking pregnant with YOUR child. maybe i wasn't ready and i wanted to make it special but no, you had to push me didn't you." i say yelling at him and then running up the stairs and slamming my door shut.

daniels pov

i look at christina and then at the boys.

"sh-she's pregnant?" i say looking at christina.

she looks up the stairs and then nods.

"yeah that's where we went. she wasn't ready to tell you yet because she it's even ready for herself to know." she says looking at me.

i look down at my hands and then at the boys.

"did you guys know?" i say.

corbyn raises his head a little.

"i did." he says looking at me.

i nod my head and i stand up.

"i'm going to be a dad." i say and then a smile forms on my face and my faces lights up.

"i'm going to be a dad." i say running upstairs to savannah's room and knocking.

"hm?" i hear her ask.

"i'm going to be a dad?" i ask.

"yes." she says.

"open the door?" i ask.

i see the door handle turn and i smile.

she opens the door all the way and looks at me.

i have a big smile across my face.

"we are having a baby?" i say.

"we are having a baby." she says smiling and nodding her head.

i pick her up and she wraps her legs around me and hugs me. i sway her around as i hug her back.

"how far along are you?" i ask.

"3 weeks is what my obgyn said." she says.

i put her down.

"we are having a baby." i say.

"we are having a baby." she repeats back.


not daniel being nosey🙃

also wrote the beginning half of this during school soo

𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙜𝙤 (𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙)Where stories live. Discover now