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i'm now 10 weeks pregnant, i'm starting to show so i've been wearing baggier clothes for when i go out and everything because i don't want any of the fans knowing i'm pregnant. it isn't a big bump yet but you know.

"when do you find out the gender?" daniel asks me rubbing my stomach.

"uh krystin said when im about 18 weeks but i have a check up next week to just check on the baby and see how it's doin in there." i say looking at my stomach.

he smiles.

"i can't wait."

"me either." i say putting my hand on my stomach.

we just lay there in silence for a bit.


"yes sav." he says looking at me.

"i want chic-fil-a." i say and he starts dying laughing.

"what? i want some please." i say.

he rolls out of bed and grabs my hand and pulls me up and holds my hand as he pulls me down the stairs and outside to his car.

"let's go then." he says opening the car door for me and letting me in.

i get in the car and we drive to chic-fil-a.

we get to chic-fil-a and he goes through the drive though.

"hi, order when we you're ready." the lady said.

"can i have 2 large fries, a 30 count nugget and 2 spicy chicken sandwiches with tons of chick-fil-a sauce." he says.

i look at him.

"why so much food?"

"because we gotta eat gooddd." he says laughing and pulling out to the window.

"25.43." the girl says opening the window and daniel hands her his card and she scans it.

she hands back the card and then hands us our food.

"have a good night." she says shutting the window and we drive away.

we go home and we go up to daniels room because his room is colder than mine.

i sit in his rolly chair and i open up the bag of food. i grab out all the food and i sit it on his desk and i grab one of the chicken nuggets and dip it in the sauce.

"god i fucking love this food." i say taking another one and eating it.

daniel laughs and walks over to me and kisses me on the forehead.

"i love you." he says.

i take a fry.

"i love you too." i say and he pulls me up by my hand and sits down in the chair i was sitting in and pulls me down to sit in his lap.

we eat our chic-fil-a and then we lay down in his bed and watch criminal minds.

"do you want a boy or a girl?" i ask daniel as he plays with my hair. i put my hand on my stomach.

"either. if it's a girl, she is going to be treated like a little princess and if it's a boy i'm going to throw balls with him and play with him whenever. i'll love both the same." he says putting his hand on top of my hand on my stomach.

"i want a girl. like not saying ill be mad if it's a boy because i will obviously still love it but i really want a girl so we can raise her the way she should be raised and not how i was raised." i say looking up at him.

he chuckles a little.

"i vote that christina and corbyn throw our gender reveal because i want it to be a surprise for us until we do a gender reveal." i say.

"that honestly works for me." he says looking back at the tv.

i yawn.

"i'm tired." i say.

"go to bed then, get some rest." daniel says kissing my forehead.

i cuddle into his side and i close my eyes.

"love you night."

"love you goodnight."


my knee hurts.

oh whale.

anywhore i don't wanna go to school tomorrow.

but next week is fall break.

alright imma go write another chapter.

𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙜𝙤 (𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙)Where stories live. Discover now