|twenty three|

12 1 0

i'm 36 weeks pregnant meaning i could have these babies any time now, which is scary to me because i'm going to have 2 living people, tiny humans.

daniel wants to take me out on a date today so i'm excited for what he has in store for that. he told me to just dress however i wanted to and i want to dress in this cute dress but the fans and public don't know im pregnant and it's definitely noticeable now so um probably just going to wear one of his big shirts and some leggings.

i curl my hair because why not and then i put my dior jordan's on and i go downstairs.

daniel is sitting there waiting for me downstairs. he looks at me and smiles. he gets up and kisses me.

"you ready to go?" he asks me grabbing my hand.

"yep i'm ready." i say and we walk out the door to his white mustang.

i get in and then he gets in and he drives away.

"where are we going?" i ask him looking at him.

"that's for me to know and for you to find out." he says.

after a while we pull into the parking lot of this diner. the same diner that we went to the night he gave me the promise ring. i look over at him and i smile.

he gets out of the car and then comes over and opens my car door.

he grabs my hand and we go inside and they sit us at a booth.

we get menus and we start looking in them.

"can i get you guys something to drink?" the girl says walking up to us.

"i'll have a lemonade." i say.

"i'll have a root beer." daniel says as the girl writes the stuff down and walks away.

"you and your love for lemonade." he says looking at me with a smile on his face.

i laugh.

"been my favorite since i was a kid." i say.

the girl comes back with our drinks and sits them in front of us.

"are you guys ready to order?" she asks looking between us.

me and daniel look at each other and then daniel nods.

"i'll have a bacon cheeseburger with some fries. then a side of mozzarella sticks." he says and the girl writes it down and then looks at me.

"i'll have a spicy chicken strip basket with fries and ranch." i say and the girls writes it down.

"i'll have that right out for you." she says smiling at us and then walking away.

i feel kicking so i put my hand on my stomach.

daniel looks at me.

"are you ok?" he asks.

i smile and nod my head.

"they are just kicking again." i say.

we sit there and we just talk about little memories that we had together and everything.

"remember the day that we first met when christina dragged me to your guys house because she wanted me to meet her boyfriend. i was so scared to meet all of you." i said laughing.

"oh i remember that day. your hair was a little above your shoulders around that time and you were wearing a long sleeve nike crew neck and ripped jeans. i couldn't keep my eyes off of you that day." he says looking at me.

i blush a little.

"we clicked instantly too. like we knew we should be best friends." i say.

"and you are still my best friend." he says.

"oh that sucks because christina is my best friend." i say laughing and joking around with him.

he throws his straw wrapper at me and laughs.

the waitress comes back with our food and sits it on the table in front of us.

i reach over the table and i grab one of the mozzarella sticks and i take a bite out of it.

"ouch these are hot." i say.

he laughs.

"get your own cheese sticks." he says jokingly.

"hey you know these are my favorite you hobo, obviously i'm going to take some." i say laughing and grabbing 3 more and putting them in my chicken basket.

we talk and eat the rest of our food and then we pay and go to the car.

he drives to the beach and we get out.

the sun is just setting so it's soooo pretty. the sky is pink and orange and light blue and all these pretty colors.

we walk hand and hand down the beach until i stop and i let go of his hand and i walk toward the water.

  daniels pov

she lets go of my hand and walks towards the water and she puts her foot in the water and looks up at the sunset.

she is so prefect. i love her so much.

i walk closer to her and i wrap my arms around her and i lightly place a kiss on her collar bone.

i let go of her and i back up a little bit and i reach into my pocket. i pull out the little box and i open it.

i think it's time.

i kneel down on one knee.

"daniel isn't the sky so pre-" she starts saying and then she turns around.

her hands automatically go over her mouth and i can see her eye start to water.

"savannah, like i said earlier, the first day i met you i saw how beautiful you are. i knew on that day that you would always mean something to me no matter what. i know the past year has been rough and most of it is my fault and i completely apologize for everything i've ever done to hurt you. but i love you soooo sooo sooo fucking much and i will love you until the last breath that i take. we have 2 babies coming soon and i can't wait to raise our two little girls with you. sav, will you marry me?" i say.

at this point she is in tears. she takes her hands off of her mouth and she smiles and nods her head.

i start to stand up.

"hell yeah i'll marry you, you dummy." she says laughing a little while still crying.

i take her promise ring off of her finger and i slip the engagement ring in its place.

"daniel, oh my god its soo pretty."  she say looking at it and then back at him.

i wraps my  arms around her waist and i pick her up.

"we are going to get married." i say putting her down and smiling at her.

"we are getting married." she says.

savannah's pov

we decide to walk over to the swing thing and sit down.

as we are walking i feel my pants get wet and i let go of his hand and i stop in my tracks and i put my hands on my stomach.

daniel is a little ahead of me.

"daniel?" i say.

he turns around and looks at me with a worried look on his face.

"are you ok?" he says when he turns around.

"daniel the babies are coming." i say.

he walks closer to me.

"your water broke?" he says.

"my water broke." i say.

"the babies are coming right now?" he says standing right in front of me.

"yes they are coming right now."


OHHH SHIT ohhh shit

𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙜𝙤 (𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙)Where stories live. Discover now