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daniels pov
it's been 2 weeks since i said that one thing. i didn't mean to say it. it's just it popped into my head and it just came out because i was mad. i really dont want her to die. i don't want her to leave. she needs to be here. i already lost her because of kaitlyn. i cant actually lose her ever. not ever. i love her. she can't leave. i did believe savannah when she told me the shit about kaitlyn. i just. i don't know. i really fucked up this time.

savannah's pov

i don't think daniel meant what he said. it really did break my heart tho. like when he said that it felt like my heart broke into a million pieces.

kaitlyn has still been texting me disgusting things. saying i should die and that nobody would miss me. i honestly really do want to die though. i haven't left this room in 2 weeks and every second everything just goes through my head and really. i don't have much to lose anymore either.

just do it already
do us a favor

it's ok
you won't have to worry about me

i think it's my time to go.

i love you tina, you are my best
friend and i will always love you don't forget that

i walk up the stair of the abandoned building.

i love you corbs, thank you for always being there for me when you could . never forget that i love you.

i walk up more stairs.

zachy i love you. please please please don't forget about me. i truly do love you.

this is my final goodbye to my best friends.

i love you jo. don't watch too many harry potter movies without me.

its almost over.

jack, thank you for all of those good times, good ihop trips, just thank you for everything. i love you. see you on the other side.

i reach the top of the building and i sit down for a second to send one last thing.

dani, daniel. i'm sorry we had to finish our friendship on bad terms. but it's ok. i kinda forgive you. it's not like i will remember much once i'm dead.
i am truly and so deeply in love with you it hurts. like it hurts that you have been the way you are. it hurts the things you have said and done to me. but it will be over soon and you won't have to worry about me.
i love you so so so so so so much. goodbye.

by this time i am bawling my eyes out. i pull a joint out of my pocket and i light it and take a long drag of it. this abandoned building about 5 minutes from my home. with my best friends. will be the last thing i see. ever.

i take my sweet and precious time smoking this joint. i mean it is my last one ever. it takes me about 5 to 8 minutes to finish it. i toss it off of the building and i stand up and i get on the edge of the building. the things that run through my head are some of the best moments in my life. the things i want to remember before i die. the things that should be my last thoughts before i exit this life. i look over the edge of the building and i hold one foot out and i take a long deep breath and i look into the sky.

i hear muffled voices behind me but i'm not listening because i don't care. i'm only into what i'm doing right now.

goodbye world. lets fly.

oh shit what will happen next?

i'm sorry but i am genuinely crying right now writing that.

𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙜𝙤 (𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙)Where stories live. Discover now