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"TINA TINA TINA TINA." i say jumping on her bed.

"what savannah?" she says half awake.

"look." i say shoving my hand in her face and then she looks at the ring.

"OH MY FUCK GOD HE PROPOSED!?" she yells sitting up in bed.

i laugh.

"it's a promise ring but close enough you know." i say jumping up and down.

she squeals.

"oh my god it's so pretty." she says looking at it.

i smile.

"anyways have you felt any better today?" she asks.

"i don't know, i was puking my brains out earlier but i feel better right now, why?" i ask sitting on her bed.

"did you ever figure out what it was?" she asks.

"no but i'm pretty sure it's just something i ate from the last few days." i say shrugging.

"unless you are prego." she says laughing, joking around with me.

"yeah well good thing there is no way i'd be pregnant because we used prote- wait." i say looking at christina.

"i was just joking." she says holding her hands up.

"yeah but i wasn't." i say standing up off of her bed.

her face kind of drops.

"um do you want to go to the store?" she asks me.

"yes please."

she gets up out of bed and we quietly walk downstairs but jonah is down there.

"where are you guys going?" he asks us.

"no where." we say at the same time and we rush out of the house.

we get into my car and we drive away and to the nearest store.

we pull into the walmart parking lot and we walk into the store.

we go to where the pregancy tests are and i grab 2.

i walk to the register and i pay for them.

i swear to god i can't be pregnant.

we walk out of the store and we quickly drive back home.

we walk into the door and daniel is downstairs and he looks at me when we walk in and then he looks at the walmart bag.

"what's in that?" he asks.

"uh um nothing." i say quickly running upstairs and then christina follows me.

we walk into my room and i lock the door so nobody comes in.

i sit the bag on my bed.

"sav it's ok just breathe." christina says looking at me.

"no it is not, i have a chance of being pregnant. what if daniel leaves me? what if he cheats on me or something i don't know i can't do this." i say walking back and forth.

"sav calm down, take the tests and we will go from there ok?" she says putting her hand on my shoulder.

i look at her and then i grab the tests and i go into the bathroom. i pee on both sticks and i lay them upside down on the bathroom counter and i wait.

what feels like hours go by.

"tina, i'm scared." i say looking at her.

she puts her hand on my shoulder.

"everything is going to be ok." christina says.

"ok i'm going to check them now." i say walking back into the bathroom.

i pick one of them up and i turn them over and my heart drops


holy shit. its positive.

i grab the other test and i look at it.


i start to lose my breath. i walk out of the bathroom with both of them in my hand.

i give christina a look.

"they are positive." i say and i getting ready to start crying.

christina gets up and hugs me.

"sav..." she says as she gets up.

"what do i do? what do i do? what do i do?" i repeat breathing heavily.

"sav calm down, it's going to be ok." she says holding me by my shoulders.

"i can make you an appointment and we can see how far along you are and everything." she says.

"what am i going to tell daniel? what if he doesn't want a baby? what if this is just going to ruin him or something." i say looking at christina.

"you don't have to tell him but you should probably do it before he figures it out himself." she says grabbing her phone and looking up the doctors number.

she make me an appointment and they say it's tomorrow at 2pm.

i have no clue how i'm supposed to tell daniel.

dun dun dunnnn

𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙜𝙤 (𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙)Where stories live. Discover now