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today is my check up to see how the baby is doing and i'm excited.

i put on a pair of black leggings and one of daniels shirts and i walk downstairs.

"daniel we should probably leave so we don't leave krystin waiting." i say sliding my vans on and he comes running down the stairs.

"we should get our own house." he says.

i give me a weird look.

"what? i mean we have a baby coming, you know just thought i'd throw the idea out there." he says putting on his air forces and opening the front door.

"we can consider it." i say walking out of the front door and to his car.

we get into the car and we drive to the hospital.

"i haven't met krystin yet." he says.

"oh yeah well i forgot to tell you her daughters are huge fans of us but she respects our private life and isn't telling them." i say looking at him.

he smiles.

"i like her already." he says pulling into the hospital parking lot.

he parks the car and then we get out and walk into the hospital.

we walk in and i sign in and sit down.

"savannah?" i hear krystin says and i look up and smile at her.

i tap daniels chest and he looks at me and i stand up and he grabs my hand and we walk with krystin.

"daniel. nice to meet you in person." she says smiling and taking us to the room i was in last time.

she pats the table and starts getting everything set up.

"so who have you been feeling?" she asks me.

"i've beeen pretty good. some weird food cravings." i say laughing.

"the other day she asked me to get her some cheezits and peanut butter." daniel says laughing.

i laugh and so does krystin.

"sounds about right." krys says turning on the machines and squeezing and gel on my stomach.

she starts putting the thing on my stomach and starts moving it around to find the heart beat.

she looks at the machine weirdly.

"is something wrong?" daniel asks.

"y-yeah it's just that-" she says.

"it's just that what?" i ask.

"i'm getting 2 heart beats." she says looking at me and daniel.

my mouth drops.

"wait, no no no." i say.

"does this mean-?" daniel starts.

"that y'all are having twins? yep that's exactly what this means." she says going around on my stomach more.

i look up at daniel and he looks down at me.

"see heres baby A." she says moving the thing to one part of my stomach.

"anddd here's baby B." she says moving it a little more and shows the other baby.

"wow." i say in shock.

"2 babies." daniel says looking between me and  krystin.

"yes." she says and i give a little smile.

"well um here's some pictures and i'll see you for the next check up." she says wiping the gel off of my stomach and smiling at us.

daniel grabs the pictures and helps me off of the table.

𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙜𝙤 (𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙)Where stories live. Discover now