|twenty four|

11 0 2

i've never seen daniel drive so fast but so carefully in my life.

he pulls into the hospital and i kind of groan because this kind of hurts.

he parks and then he helps me out of the car and helps me walk into the hospital.

"someone, she's going into labor." daniel says when we walk into the hospital and then i see krystin and she comes rushing over to us.

she looks at me and then grabs a wheel chair and lets me sit in it.

"lets go to a room." she says and she quickly pushes me into a room and helps me get on the bed.

she grabs these machines and everything snd checks to see how many centimeters dilated i am.

"savannah you are 5 centimeters dilated so you are going to be in some pain and you are going to feel contractions. i can give you the epidural shot if you want it." she says.

i shake my head.

"my mom got one and it ugh messed up her back." i say breathing heavily because this shit hurts like a bitch.

they change me into one of the hospitals gowns and then i get back in the bed and they finish booking me up to the things i need hooked up to.

"i never want to hear another fucking guy say that getting kicked in the balls hurts worse then child birth because this shit fucking hurts." i say leaning forward holding onto my stomach.

some nurses come in and everything and then krystin comes in.

"honey you are 9 centimeters dilated, are you ready for this?" she asks and then they wheel in those baby bed things.

"i don't really have a choice." i say groaning and trying to grab daniels hand.

"daniel she might hurt your hand from squeezing it but you will be ok." krystin says and then she start.

"ok sav i'm going to have to push a little bit." she says.

i push and then i groan.

"i see a head." she says.

"ok give me a big push."

i push as hard as i can.

we keep continuing that process until i head a baby's cry and i relax my body a little.

"ok baby A out." they say putting her in one of the beds that says baby A on it and they push her out of the room to clean her off a little.

we do the same process and then i hear another baby crying and they push her out of the room too.

i relax my legs and then i let go of daniels hand and he shakes his hand.

"holy shit. never again." i say breathing heavily.

"so no more kids after this?" he asks kinda joking.

"no i want more kids maybe but not now." i say and then they bring both of the babies in and they hand baby A to me and baby B to daniel.

my eyes start watering a little.

"they are so perfect." i say as the baby grabs onto my finger.

"do you guys have names?" krystin asks so that they can do the birth certificates and write them on the beds.

we tell them there names and then we take pictures of the girls and everything.

they take the babies so that they can do something and i decide to post an instagram post for them to tell the fans.

they take the babies so that they can do something and i decide to post an instagram post for them to tell the fans

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savannahh.: february 8th<3 bentlee rae seavey 6lbs 4oz, born 1:47am (on left) paislee raine seavey 5lbs 8oz, born 1:50am (on right)

surprise:) @seaveydaniel

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sorry for not updating for a while i just haven't really been on wattpad for a while until today so yeah

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