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daniel literally will not talk to me at all. over something that isn't even a big deal. this guy is driving me insane.

i walk out of my bedroom and i go downstairs to make some avocado toast because i've been craving it.

i grab an avocado and bread and butter and all the seasonings i want to put on it and i pick the stuff on the counter.

i grab 2 pieces of bread and i put them in the toast and i cut the avocado and take the seed out.

christina walks into the kitchen.

"heyy i haven't seen you in a few day, nice to see you come out do your bedroom girl." she says.

she knows about the fight me and daniel had, everyone in the house does because they all heard it.

daniel comes downstairs while me and christina are talking.

she looks at my hand.

"you took his ring off?" she asks me grabbing my hand.

i look down at my hand.

"i didn't want to but he won't talk to me tina, i don't know if we are still dating or not because he just won't talk to me. wont look at me or anything. it hurts christina, it really does." i say grabbing the toast out of the toaster and putting it on my plate.

she sighs.

"he still has his on." she says.

"and he can do that. i just need him to talk to me. i'm literally 12 weeks pregnant with his kids, which he thinks are zachs, which is dumb asf because daniel was the one who took my virginity and i've been with him ever since but whatever he thinks." i say shaking my head and spreading butter on the toast.

christina shakes her head.

"i don't know why he thinks that because everyone in this house knows they are his kids." she says grabbing the butter and putting it in the fridge for me while i put the avocado on the toast.

"yeah well they are his kids. i don't want to hear anyone say different because he's the only person i've had sex with, not the point though. i just really need him to talk to me. i love him and these kids need their daddy not to be an asshole and to talk to their mommy." i say laughing a little and rubbing my stomach.

christina laughs and then daniel walks into the kitchen.

i finish making my toast and then i put everything away. christina looks at me and then walks out of the kitchen.

i see daniel look at my hand and i can see the hurt in his eyes.

"you really did take off the promise ring." he says messing around with his, which is on his finger.

i take a bite of my toast and shrug.

"you really won't talk to me." i say looking at him.

he sighs.

he walks over to me and puts his hand on my stomach.

"sorry to you guys for being an asshole to
mommy." he says kissing my stomach.

i laugh a little.

he looks up at me and kisses me.

"and i'm sorry for being an asshole to you." he says kissing me in between each word.

i smile.

"it's ok." i say running my hand through his hair.

i pick up my toast and i eat the rest of it because i'm hungry. i rinse off my dishes and i put them in the dishwasher and i go upstairs.

i go to my room and daniel follows me and lays in my bed.

i lay down with him and i lay my head on his chest and i get on my phone while he plays with pieces of my hair.

he leans over and grabs the ring off of my table beside my bed and grabs my hand and slips the ring back on my finger.

i smile and i go back to scrolling through instagram.

i feel his hand stop moving through my hair so i go into snapchat and i start recording.

i look into the camera and then i zoom in on daniel and he's sleeping. i grab his hand and i kiss it. i save the video to my memories and then i put my phone down. i scoot closer to daniel and i kiss his cheek.

"i love you." i say and then i close my eyes and i take a nap.


i wake up to daniel softly moving his hand up and down my thigh.

i feel his hand reach my pants line and he plays with it a little bit, running his fingers side to side on my pants line.

i open my eyes and look at him.

"what are you doing?" i ask him.

"nothing." he says rubbing my inner thigh.

i roll over and i get out of bed and go to the bathroom. i need to shower. i take off my clothes and then i start my shower and i get in.

i hear my bathroom door close.

i run my hair under the water and then i hear movement from the other side of the curtain.

the curtain moves back and daniel steps into the shower.

"get out." i say laughing.

he grabs my shampoo and starts putting it everywhere.

"daniel noooo that's mine." i say as he puts some in my hair too.

i laugh.

"this is why i can't shower with you." i say.

"we've never showered together what do you mean." he says wrapping his arms around me and then kissing me.

he pushes me up against the shower wall and kisses me.

i pull away from the kiss.

"no no no im trying to shower." i say trying to rinse the shampoo out of my hair.

he spins me around and moves me out from under the water and gets the shampoo out of his hair.

his hair is dripping wet and the water is dripping down him and i'm going to be completely honest with you. he is hot as fuck.

he smirks at me and i give him a look.

"you are so fucking hot." i say kissing him.

he pushes me back up against the shower wall which is right under the shower head and we make out.

uh yall already know where that went.


we both get out of the shower and he wraps a towel around his lower half and i wrap a towel around my whole body.

i walk out of the bathroom and i grab one of daniels shirts from my closet and some underwear and i put them on while my hair is still soaking wet.

daniel still has his towel wrapped around his lower half and he lays in my bed.

his hair is still dripping wet but it's fine.

i lay down beside him and i trace his abs on his stomach.

"this remind me of the day you pranked me." he says laughing a little.

i laugh back.

"yeah it kind of does." i say.

we spend the rest of the day just chilling and watching netflix.


here y'all go

𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙜𝙤 (𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙)Where stories live. Discover now