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week later

daniel has been very distant for whatever reason. i mean it could be some stupid boy thing because boys are stupid so i'm just assuming that's what it is. maybe he got scared after i said i liked him or something i don't know.

i hear a knock on my door.

"come in." i yell.

the person opens my door and daniel peeks his head in.

"hey sav." he says smiling.

"hi dani boy what's up?" i ask while smiling.

he looks at me.

"i want you to meet someone." he says.

"ooou who, i love meeting people." i say.

he opens my door the rest of the way and there is a girl, a very very very pretty girl and she's holding his hand.

"savannah, this is katilyn." he says and the girl smiles.

she waves.

"hi i'm daniels girlfriend katilyn." she says smiling.

girlfriend. girlfriend... ok ok. that was sudden. be nice savannah go give her a hug or something.

i get up out of bed with a fake smile on my face and i hug her.

"nice to meet you, daniel you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend." i say looking at him confused.

"we have been talking for a month or so now and i asked her out about a week ago." he says smiling.


"i'm happy for you guys." i say spreading another fake smile across my face.

i hug daniel and i see katilyn give me a dirty look from the corner of my eye.

i pull away from the hug. oh this should be good.

"dani can we go out to eat?" she says pulling on his arm.

he smiles at her and then nods his head.

"ok let's go to chic-fil-a." he looks at me, smiles and they turn around and walk away but not before she get give me another smirk before daniel can see.

i shut my door and i quickly turn my smile into a dead straight face. i need to go talk to christina.

i walk out of my room and i walk to christina's room and a hot tear runs down my face. i'm pissed and sad at the same time. i open her door and her and corbyn are making out.

"oh i'm-im sorry." i was wiping my tears and going to shit the door.

"wait no. sav what's wrong?" corbyn asks and christina looks at me too.

"um-um nothing." i say. i hear someone clear there throat behind me so i move out of the way and it's kaitlyn.

"um are you corbyn?" she asks corbyn.

"yes i am." he says.

"dani asked me to ask you where his green hoodie is." she says.

"oh um it should be on the kitchen table." corbyn says looking at her.

kaitlyn smiles at corbyn but then turns around and gives me a death stare and then smiles again and walks away all peppy.

"who the fuck was she?" christina asks looking at corbyn.

corbyn shurgs.

"her? that's daniels girlfriend." i say wiping another tear.

both corbyn and christina's faces go soft and they look at me.

"oh my poor baby." christina says getting out of bed and hugging me. which honestly just makes me want to cry more.

she turns around and looks at corbyn.

"i am going to beat your friends ass." she says in a mad tone.

"oh trust me. i'm already on it." he says with a pissed look on his face as he walks out of christina's room.

christina shuts her door and looks at me.

"sav i'm sorry." she says looking at me.

i shrug.

"he wasn't my boyfriend. i guess it just doesn't matter. he played me christina." i say.

she looks at me confused.

"when he was saying he liked me and calling me baby and taking me to the beach and taking me to chic-fil-a and kissing me. he was talking to her. that very very very beautiful blonde haired, emerald green eyed, skinny girl. he played me." i say as i break down into tears.

christina pulls me back into a hug.

"savannah, i'm going to beat his ass. i am going to fucking kill him." she says while hugging me.

"don't. just don't. leave him alone. let him be with her. i don't care." i say pulling away from the hug and wiping my tears.

christina looks at me with a sad face.

"i'm-im. i'm just going to go back to bed. love you." i say walking out of christina's room and right when i reach my door i see daniel and he looks at me.

"what's wrong sav?" he asks with a worried look.

i look at him, roll my eyes and i slam my door shut and i lock it. fuck my life. this is why i have trust issues. this exact reason. well and my parents but that's the least of my worries.

i hear my phone ding so i look at it.

hi you slut, i'm just
warning you stay away
from daniel or you while have
another thing coming:)

who the fuck is this

who do you think you whore?
kaitlyn. daniels GIRLFRIEND
i'm warning you..
read 7:23pm

oh yeah just great. oh well. don't really wanna be around him anyways. he hurt me, bad. but i don't wanna lose my best friend. i don't know. i'll just stay in my room. anyway from everyone and everything.

i lay in my bed and i just watch netflix, not like i have anything else to do. i got everything i need in here.

well..daniel fucked up didnt he. what a hoebag.

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