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well. i've been doing better. it's been about 4 days. daniel literally will not leave my side. like he literally sits inside the bathroom when i go pee because he is scared i'm going to do something.

i just woke up and daniel is sleeping and i want something to eat because i haven't ate anything in like 2 and a half weeks so i quietly slide out of daniels arms and i go downstairs to find something to eat.

i walk into the kitchen and i find some french toast sticks so i put some on a plate and i put them on a plate and i put them in the microwave.

i press start and i hear quick steps going down the stairs.

"sav? sav? savannah?" he says and then he sees me looking at the box of french toast sticks and his face softens and he smiles.

"daniel i'm fine, you don't have to follow me everywhere." i say.

"i just want to make sure you are ok." he says walking over to me and pecking my lips.

no we aren't dating so don't ask.

the microwave goes off and i take out the plate with french toast sticks and daniel grabs one.

"hmm yum." he says taking another one.

"daniel that's mine." i say laughing and then sitting in the counter and grabbing one and eating it.

"maybe i want some." he says.

"ok fine." i say pushing the plate over to him and he grabs some and eats them and i just watch him.

he stuffs another one in his mouth and then he looks at me and he smiles.

i start laughing.

"you are so dumb." i say laughing.

he swallows his food.

"no i'm not, that's mean." he says.

i nod my head.

"yes you are." i say.

i go to get up and go into the living room.

"where are you going?" daniel asks.

i look at daniel.

"daniel i'm fine. i really appreciate the effort but i'm fine. you don't have to follow me around everywhere. i'm ok." i say.

"i-i know your ok it's just that what happened is my fault and i feel bad and i just don't want you to hurt yourself because i need you." he says looking at me.

i give him a small smile and i walk close to him and i stand in front of him.

"daniel, i'm not going to do anything you have to trust me." i say.

he looks me in the eyes.

"i trust you." he says.

i kiss his cheek and i walk away from her and i go out the back door and i go up to the tree house that we have built in the backyard.

i just sit up there for a bit and then i here someone coming up the ladder.

it's daniel.

he smiles and he sits beside me. i scoot close to him and i put my head on his shoulder and i look out of the tree house window.

"savannah?" daniel says.

"yes?" i say back.

"ummm nevermind." he says looking back forward out the window.

"do you wanna eat popcorn and watch movies?" i ask him.

"yes, always." he says starting to get up. he reaches out his hand and helps me up and he keeps ahold of my hand until we walk upstairs to his room because he has a bigger tv.

i say down on his bed.

"i love your bed." i say when i lay down.

he turns on the tv and then turns netflix on.

we decide on watching the cinderella story movies. he presses on one and then he lays down beside me.

we are getting towards the end of the 1st movie we are watching.

"oh my god, yes sam go off, tell austin offfff." i say yelling at the tv.

daniel laughs and then we go back to watching the movie.

we end up watching all of the movies but shortly after falling asleep.

this is boring, it's like a filler chapter so it's nothing important really, just something.

𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙜𝙤 (𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙)Where stories live. Discover now