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Samuel entered his home and tripped over his cat. "Damn it, Felix."

Felix answered by wrapping himself around Samuel's legs again.

"Are you hungry? Is that it?" Samuel bent over and gathered his mail from the floor before placing it on his hallway table. Then he picked up Felix and stroked the mewing feline all the way to the kitchen before placing him back onto the floor.

He opened a cupboard and took out a tin. He lifted the ring pull then peeled off the lid and took a fork from his 'utensils' drawer. He scraped out half a tin of meat into Felix's bowl then, using the fork, he cut and mashed the meat while Felix inserted his face in the way.

"Okay, okay, Felix. Steady on." He walked over to the sink and rinsed the fork under the tap before dropping it into the washing up bowl. He tore a small amount of cling-film off the roll and covered the tin then glanced towards Felix as he put the cat food in the fridge and took a beer. Felix was heavily engaged in feeding himself as he crouched over his bowl.

Samuel opened his can and drank two mouthfuls before he closed the fridge. He picked up the mail on his way to the lounge and lay back on the sofa with his feet crossed and up on the arm. He flicked through the envelopes, recognising a bank statement and stopped on one that he had not seen before. This wasn't a bill or a statement. He dropped the pile to one side then ripped open the letter.

But, before he could remove the contents, his phone rang. Samuel shifted his weight a little and fished the phone out of his pocket. He slid his finger across the green icon before putting it to his ear. "Hello."

'Hi, Sammy. It's Mike.'

"Hello, Mike. What's up?"

'Zoe has called in for this weekend off. She's got an appointment – or something. Could you do her weekend slot?'

"Of course, Mike. I've got nothing on."

'That's brilliant, Sammy. I did call Stephen first because it is his turn to cover but it's his kid's birthday.'

"It's fine. Don't worry. Have a nice day."

'You too, Sammy. See you tomorrow.'

"See you, Mike – bye." Samuel swallowed another mouthful of beer then gently threw his mobile onto the coffee table. He turned his attention back to the letter.

He removed the contents and saw the crown court stamp in the letterhead. He read the letter before finishing his beer.

Well, Mike, he thought. Looks like you'll be having to find some cover for me soon. He lay his head back on the arm of the sofa and closed his eyes before sighing. Well, that's something new. I've never done jury duty before.

He sat up and reached for the TV remote before lying back down and switching it on. The sky menu system appeared on screen and he started flicking through the channels.

Felix jumped onto the back of the sofa and walked along it before dropping onto Samuel's stomach. He kneaded Samuel's stomach several times before curling up and laying his chin across his paws.

Samuel looked at Felix and smiled as he stroked him. Felix purred – content to have his master home. Felix closed his eyes and fell asleep.

AUTHOR'S NOTE :- Please remember to vote if you enjoyed the chapter.

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