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Owen entered his office to discover his phone ringing. He had just finished his usual inspection of the shop floor and given instructions to his employees where needed. He sat behind his desk and picked up the receiver. "Hello. Mr Seagrave speaking."

'Hello, Mr Seagrave. I'm Mrs Leeson. I'm the headteacher at Westfield Infants school.'

"Hello, Mrs Leeson. What can I do for you?"

'You are Miss Squires' boyfriend, are you not?'

Owen stifled a giggle. "Sorry. It's just, that term seems funny to me as we're both older than it suggests. Yes. We are dating."

'Oh – good. I've got the right person. Um... I was wondering if you've seen Miss Squires today – or even yesterday?'

"She's not there?"

'No, Mr Seagrave. And neither is Mrs Angus. Neither of them has phoned in sick. I'm worried.'

"Okay, Mrs Leeson. Did you say Mrs Angus?"


"I take it you've phoned her husband?"

'There's no answer at their home. I believe that Mr Angus is sometimes away for several days due to the nature of his work.'

"Is there any reason why you're linking April and Mrs Angus?"

'April often drives Mrs Angus home. I fear something may have happened. It's not like either of them to be late.'

Owen's phone started blinking, indicating that he had a call waiting. "I'll phone the police to see if there's been an accident reported. Where does Mrs Angus live?"

'I'm sorry. I can't give out that sort of information.'

"I don't mean her address. Just a vague area so I know where to tell the police."

'Okay. Broughton Astley.'

"That's near Stoney Stanton, isn't it?"


"Okay, Mrs Leeson. I'll phone the police right away then get back to you." The call waiting light was still blinking. "What's your number?"

Mrs Leeson gave the school's number. 'Just ask for me.'

"Okay. Speak again soon." He pressed the handset button – cancelling the call then released it again and the call waiting light stopped blinking. "Hello. Mr Seagrave speaking."

'Are you alone?'

"Who is this?"

'Are you alone?'

"Yes. Who is..."


Owen's facial expression went blank but his grip on the phone remained.

'When I say the word 'Everest' you are to call Christopher Jackman into your office. You will then beat him to death with your baseball bat. Once that's done you are to leave the office and lock the door. Then go up to the roof and jump off. Make sure you hit the ground headfirst, Mr Seagrave. Everest.' The call ended and Owen dropped the receiver and pressed the intercom button.

"Would Christopher Jackman come to the manager's office." He remained seated while he waited for Christopher to enter.

Five minutes later, there was a knock on his door.


Christopher Jackman entered. "You wanted to see me, sir."

"Close the door and take a seat, Christopher."

Christopher did as he was told. He was wringing his hands in anticipation.

Owen got up and walked past Christopher to fetch his baseball bat.

Christopher sensed that something was wrong and thought that he was about to be fired. "Have I done something wrong, sir?" Christopher didn't look round.

Owen raised the bat above his head and brought it down on top of Christopher's with as much force as he could. There was a sickening crunch as Christopher's skull split open with the force of the blow.

Christopher slumped forwards over Owen's desk and blood started pooling amongst the paperwork. There was a splattering of blood covering a wide area. It was even on Owen's suit and face. He brought the bat down a second time. With his head now planted firmly on Owen's desk, there was no give with the next blow and the already dying young boy was immediately finished off.

Owen dropped the bat and left the office. He locked the door and walked towards the storeroom at the back of the store.

Staff and customers alike shrank back from him as he walked past. He was covered in Christopher's blood.

"Are you all right, sir?" asked one of his staff as he passed by.

Owen didn't answer. He just stared straight ahead and continued towards the storeroom. He wasn't registering their presence. All that mattered to him was getting to the roof. He walked through the storeroom and to the stairs where there was access to the roof. He climbed the stairs with two of his staff following him.

Owen didn't hear their calls of concern and stepped onto the roof. He kept walking forwards until he got near to the edge then he held his arms by his side and dived off the roof. One of the staff screamed as she witnessed him disappearing over the side.

Owen hit the ground headfirst. His head bent sideways, snapping his neck and his body seemed to arch backwards for a couple of seconds before he settled on his back with his arms still held rigidly to his side.

The second staff member looked over the side and saw his boss in a crumpled mess on the ground. "Quick. We need to call the ambulance – the police, even." He hurried back down the stairs.

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