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There was a knock on Henry's door.

"Come in," said Henry.

The door opened and Glenda smiled at her employer. "I'm all done, Mr Morton. Are you leaving?"

"Not yet. I've scheduled a meeting with Esteban. You go. I'll lock up tonight."

"Okay, Mr Morton. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye, Glenda. Have a nice night." Henry watched the door close then unlocked his bottom drawer. He took out the collection of newspaper clipping that he'd had Glenda source for him over the last two weeks. He looked at the article on yesterday's cop killing.

Earlier, he had been going through these papers when Glenda had brought some paperwork to him. She had commented on this article. She'd said, 'Oh. That's that man that you squeezed in the other day.' Henry had answered, 'Who?' He hadn't remembered him, but Glenda had shown him the booking. He looked at it again. He still couldn't remember the face or the name.

He remembered the two officers that had been killed though. They had been at the trial. They had restrained him before removing him from the courtroom.

The phone rang. Henry contemplated not answering as it was now out of business hours. But curiosity got the better of him. "Hello. Henry Morton."

'Hello, Henry. Are you alone?'

Henry thought he recognised the voice. "Yes. Why?"


Henry's eyes closed as he fell into a hypnotic trance.

'Are you working late, Henry?'


'What are you up to?'

"I'm going to be hypnotised by my friend to find out if I killed all those people."

There was silence for a few seconds.

'Once you have done that you will go to the police station. Confess everything. But once you have Captain Chapman alone you are to activate him. Tell him to wait for an hour after the interview then get the gun from the officer involved shooting and go to Casey Simpson's location and kill him before killing himself. Everest.'

The line went blank and Henry looked at the phone in his hand with a frown. He replaced the receiver.

There was another knock on the door. Henry knew who it would be. "Come in, Esteban."

Esteban entered. "Are you ready?"

"Yes. First, I want you to read through all these." Henry pushed the clippings over to Esteban who had sat in the chair the other side of Henry's desk.

Esteban read through them and looked up a couple of times. Henry could see the questions swirling in Esteban's mind.

"Before we do this. Just in case I'm right and something happens, I want you to have this ready." Henry opened his bottom drawer again and remover a taser. He slid it across the desk. "You may need to defend yourself. If you have to use it, phone the police right away. If I'm right, I'll need locking away."

"I'll say it again, Henry. All this is impossible."

"I guess we're about to find out. Which room have you set up for this?"

"Room four."

"Has everyone else left yet?"

"Yes. Everyone's gone home."

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