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Samantha and Damian got out of the patrol car and entered the police station through the back door. 

"What do you think he wants?" asked Samantha. 

"I've no idea. But I'm sure we'll find out soon enough," replied Damian. 

They walked into the situation room and saw Detective Mulraine at the far end talking to Captain Chapman. They walked over and stopped nearby. 

"Ah, Officer Maine," said Detective Mulraine. "You're here." 

"Yes sir. What does he want?" 

"You. He won't talk to anyone but you." 

"You must have made an impression Damian," said Samantha. 

He looked round at her and smiled - flashing his pearly whites. 

"He mentioned a shooting but wouldn't say anything else. It has to be the Morton case," said Detective Mulraine. 

"Has to be. Look - I take it you're handling this case," said Damian. 

Detective Mulraine nodded. 

"I'll get him to talk to you. I don't know the first thing about solving murders." 

"He's in interview room one. Do your best," said Captain Chapman. "We'll be outside." 

On the way down the corridor Damian turned to Samantha, "You coming in girl?" 

"Yeah. If you want me to," she replied. 

They stopped outside interview room one and before Damian entered the Captain said, "Remember. Try to get him to talk to us and please don't agree to anything." 

"Okay sir," Damian knocked and entered the room. He recognised Casey and saw the empty mug on the table, "Do you want another one Casey?" 

"No Officer Maine." 

Damian sat opposite him, "Do you mind if Officer Myers stays?" 

"No - go ahead." 

Samantha sat next to Damian, "Hello Mr Simpson." 


"Right - what did you want to talk about Casey?" 

"It's about the shooting." 

"I take it you're on about the Morton shooting." 

"I think so yes. I don't really know him but that's what the news said." 

"What do you know Casey?" 

"Before we go into all that I need some guarantees." 

"You mean like I agree not to tell anyone what you say?" 

"No man. I know you can't do that. I mean witness protection or something." 

Damian held up his hands, "Whoa there Casey. If anything you are about to tell me could get you arrested then I suggest you get a solicitor first." 

"See Officer Myers," said Casey, looking at her name tag. "This is why I trust this man. He's all good." 

"I can't offer you anything. I can't promise you anything. I don't have the authority. The detective and the Captain outside do but that would be at their discretion I'm afraid," said Damian. 

"Look - I trust you. I will talk to them if you think everything will be okay. But I'll need witness protection because the gang will find me and I'll be dead." 

"Did you see what happened in the restaurant?" 


"Did you participate in the violence?" 

"Not saying yet." 

Damian sat back and looked at Samantha, "What do you think?" 

Samantha looked at Casey, "Look - no offence but - I think you were involved and like my partner said you shouldn't say anything else without your solicitor present." 

"Do I look like I can afford a solicitor," Casey shrugged. 

Damian and Samantha chose not to answer. 

"Look - I'll say one more thing. I chose to come in. That's got to account for something and I can give you the names of everyone involved. How about that?" 

"In exchange for witness protection," said Damian. 

Casey shrugged again, "It's the only way I'll talk." 

Damian stood, "Wait here." He signalled for Samantha to follow him and left the room. 

Outside, Damian stood in front of the Captain, "Sir - I think he'll talk, and he definitely knows something, but he wants witness protection. The gangs involved will kill him if they knew he was here." 

Captain Chapman looked at Detective Mulraine, "Do it." He looked back at Officer Maine, "How many are we looking at?" 

"There were two gangs involved - so at least twelve of them," said Damian. 

"We could remove two gangs from the streets," said Detective Mulraine. 

"Like I said - set it up. I'll get a solicitor sent here," Captain Chapman marched off down the corridor. 

Officer Maine entered the interview room followed by Samantha and Detective Mulraine. 

"Okay Casey," said Damian. "We've sent for a solicitor for you but you'll need to continue this with Detective Mulraine. Do you want a drink while you wait?" 

"Yes thanks. You sure he's okay?" Casey nodded in the detective's direction. 

"He won't do you wrong. We have a chance to remove two gangs from the streets. Just wait for the solicitor and good luck." 

"Wait! You going?" 

"We can't stay Casey. We're supposed to be on patrol. You'll be fine." 

Casey sat back again, "Anything you say man." 

Damian and Samantha left the room and walked back towards the car park. 

"You go to the car Sam," said Damian. "I'll be there in a couple of minutes." 


Damian winked, "Nature's calling. You can come and watch if you want." 

Samantha slapped his shoulder again, "Just go. And remember to wash your hands." 

They parted and Damian started laughing as he made his way to the men's room.



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