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Casey, with his solicitor's guidance, had signed the witness protection papers and had been busy answering questions for the past four hours. The police now had enough information to arrest every gang member involved on that fateful night.

"Do I get to say goodbye to the Pattersons?" asked Casey.

"You must cut all ties to your past life and no attempt to contact anyone you know must be made – ever," said Detective Mulraine. "But I don't see why they can't be allowed to come here. They won't be allowed to know where you're going though."

"I can live with that. This'll give me a chance at a fresh start."

"Is there anyone you need to come with you?"

"Like who?"

"Any family?"

"No. My parents disowned me. I have nothing to do with any of them."

"Do they still live at the address we've got on record?"

"As far as I know – why?"

"Because it wouldn't do for us to place you anywhere near someone you know."

"I take it I'll still be in England?"

Detective Mulraine nodded. "Or Scotland or Wales."

"Is that likely?"

"Somewhere in England will be most likely."

"It's just – I don't think I'll blend in very well in Scotland plus it's supposed to be cold up there ain't it." Plus, they talk funny, he thought.

"I wouldn't know. I've never been."

"So, what happens now?"

"You'll be taken to a safe house. The location of which will be known only by myself and the two officers that will stay with you."

"I'm not going to run. I came to you – remember."

"They're not going to be there just to keep an eye on you. They're there for your protection."

"Oh – thanks, man. You been straight with me so far. Do I get to see Officer Maine again?"

"No, Mr Simpson. Your protection detail will be here soon. They'll take you to the safe house. Within a couple of days you'll be taken to your new location and given a new identity. There will be a job involved to help keep you busy. You'll be there for several months while we await the trial."

"How long?"

"That depends on many factors. But, in my experience, anything from four to eighteen months is possible."

"Oh man."

"I want to say thank you for all that you're doing. Mr Morton will see justice for the slaughter of his family."

"I saw the look on his face you know."


"The Morton guy. When I accidentally shot his son." A tear formed in his eye which he wiped away with a knuckle. "I'll never forget that look."

There was a knock on the door and the captain entered. "Protection's here. It's time to go, Mr Simpson."

"Okay, man." Casey stood and offered his hand to Detective Mulraine. "Thanks again for all that you've done."

They shook hands.

"Stay away from gangs and guns, Mr Simpson."

"Never touching one again."

He was led away by the two officers.

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