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Captain Chapman had been waiting outside Casey Holmes' flat for twenty minutes. It had taken him four hours to get here so he had decided to kill Casey at home in case he missed him on the journey back from work.

He spotted Casey running for his front door which didn't seem unusual to the captain as the rain was lashing down outside. He would now have to do it in Casey's flat. He got out of his car and crossed the road. He entered the sheltered porch and pressed the buzzer for flat four.

After a few seconds had passed a female voice answered. 'Hello.'

"Oh. Hello. Is Casey home?"

'No. Oh... hang on. He's just walked in. I'll just call him. What's your name?'

"Mr Chapman. He'll know who I am."

'Okay. Hang on.'

Captain Chapman waited for a few seconds before the girlfriend's voice came back on. 'He said to come up. He's just getting changed.' The door buzzed and the captain pushed it open.

"Thank you, miss." He paused but there was no further communication so he entered and started climbing the stairs. He left a trail of water behind him which had thinned out by the time he got to the door of flat four.

He knocked on the door and waited. The door opened and a young, white woman with black hair stood before him.

"Come in, Mr Chapman." She stood to the side to allow him past. "Casey will be with us shortly. Straight ahead in the lounge." She closed the door without taking her eyes off the captain.

He entered the lounge and ran a professional eye over the room. He couldn't see any photos of the girl around. "How long have you been going out with Casey?" He finished surveying the room and studied her.

"A month."

"That's why there are no photos of you around then."

"We've not taken any yet. Except on our phones of course. Are you a relation?"

"No. I helped him in a professional capacity a while ago. I'm here to see how he's managing." He noticed that she was keeping her hands behind her. "Are you okay? You seem nervous."

"I'm fine. I'll check on Casey."

Captain Chapman watched her leave the room then followed her as he took the handgun from its hiding place in the small of his back. He saw a door close ahead. There were only two more doors leading off the corridor. One would be a bedroom and the other a kitchen. He held the gun out in front of him and kicked open the door.

He was only a step into the room when he froze. Facing him were three police officers dressed in body armour. They were all pointing tasers at him. The girl was off to one side, also holding a taser.

"Drop the gun!" ordered one of the officers.

Captain Chapman remained still. He couldn't see his target. "Where is Casey?"

"Drop the gun or we will fire!"

"I must find Casey." He spotted a fire escape outside the window and knew that Casey must have left through it. He retreated out of the room and stopped again. Two more officers were in the corridor pointing tasers at him.

"Put the gun down!"

"Out of my way." He moved towards the two officers in front of him.

He was hit from behind by a taser and his body convulsed but he took a second step. His force of will, amplified by the hypnotism. A second taser hit him from behind followed by one from the front.

Captain Chapman fell to the floor and the gun clattered to the side as his body twitched and spasmed.

The female officer knelt beside him and handcuffed his hands behind his back after he had finished convulsing.

The officer in front of the captain held a radio to his mouth. "We have him. No one was harmed."

'Okay, officer. We'll be there as soon as possible. Make sure he is isolated. Thank you for the assist,' said Detective Mulraine over the radio.

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