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Stuart walked into the private room, showing his identity badge to the two policemen stationed outside. His face remained passive as he glanced in Henry Morton's direction before placing his notes on the desk in the corner.

"Hello, doctor," said Henry.

Stuart looked at Henry. "I'm not a doctor, Mr Morton. I'm a fellow hypnotherapist." He took a few steps towards Henry and held out his hand. "Stuart Hendry."

"I've heard of you, Mr Hendry," said Henry as he completed the welcoming gesture. "Impressive work."

"Thank you. I've looked over your notes which includes some of your history. I must say that you're not the normal stage hypnotist type that I've encountered in the past."

"A good thing?"

"But of course. You also practise hypnotherapy. And you're damn good at it from what I can make out."

"Thank you."

"It's a shame that it's all over. I'm sure that your patients are losing out."

"My co-workers are more than adequate to take my place."

"We need to get this sorted quickly. What's happened to you will have an effect on the whole industry. If people lose their trust in us they won't come."

"Yes. Jack Jackman has a lot to answer for."

"He has. Except, it seems that everyone but him is answering for his crimes instead."

The door opened and in walked Detective Mulraine. "Hello, gentlemen. I'm not late, am I?"

"No, detective. I'm still refreshing my mind of these notes. We'll start shortly."

"How are you, Mr Morton?"

"I'm fine. How is the captain?"

"He's recovering well. Being tasered three times didn't do him much good though."

"Give him my best and tell him I'm sorry."

"Will do."

Stuart Hendry approached them. "Now. You are still fine with me injecting drugs into your system, Mr Morton?"

"Yes. Are there any side effects?"

"Some, mostly to do with heart rate. If it gets too high I'll pull you straight out. It can take a lot out of you so, if I have to pull you out, we'll have to reschedule for another day to finish the treatment."

"Why would the heart rate rise?" asked Detective Mulraine.

"Going through memories, especially repressed memories, can get emotional. Mr Morton may experience anxiety as he remembers what happened. In fact, I'd say it is more than likely in his case."

"Let's get on with it," said Henry. "The sooner Jack is taken down the better. He is a danger to everyone he meets."

Stuart Hendry attached Henry to a heart rate monitor and drip feed then started the drugs. "In a minute you will be conducive to the treatment and we'll begin."

"I'm going to record this for evidence, Mr Morton. It will help to get the search warrant if it reveals what we think it will."

"Okay, Detective Mulraine," said Henry. His eyes started to close and he forced them open before succumbing to the drugs.

"He's ready," said Hendry.

"We're recording," said Mulraine.

"Okay, Henry. We are going to go back to the day that Jack Jackman entered your home. Stay calm and relaxed. Start with answering the door and letting him in. Go."

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