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"That's them over there," said Dwayne.

Dwayne's gang were hidden from their targets by a hedge near the entrance to 'Richmond Park'.

"You've got to do it Simpson. You need to prove your loyalty to the gang again," said Dwayne.

"I was just trying to save us all a lot of hassle. I told you I knew her," Casey retorted.

"I don't care. You still need to prove yourself. Now do it."

Casey reached behind his back and removed the pistol from his trousers, "You sure about this? It'll start a war. We've never done nothing like this before."

"Course I'm sure. And they started it when they ratted us out to the cops," Dwayne had drawn his pistol as well.

"What was that call about? We were fine before that call."

"What call? There was no call."

"I saw you."

"There was no call. Now, quit stalling."

Casey flicked the safety off and sighed then he left their cover and strode towards the rival gang. He was just ten meters away when they spotted him. He held the pistol behind his back.

"Hey. What you doin' ere," called the leader of the rival gang.

"Did you rat on us?" asked Casey.


"How did the police know where to find us?"

"Phone book – yellow pages?"

Casey raised his pistol at their leader, "Don't be a smart-ass. If it wasn't you then who was it?"

The rival gang had all reached for their weapons after the initial shock had worn off.

"Don't ... you'll get me killed," said the gang leader when he saw them.

"Too late for that. You should have kept your mouth shut," said Dwayne as he raised his pistol as well. "Do it Casey. Do it now."

The next few seconds were a blur as both gangs reached for their weapons. Casey's pistol went off and the rival gang leader spun round as he took a bullet in his shoulder. Dwayne fired at the next nearest target. Three shots hit him in the chest and he fell back without getting off a shot.

The rival gang had all drawn their weapons and were taking cover.

"Let's go," called Dwayne as he started backing away from the fight. Dwayne's gang ran off, firing behind them as they went. The rival gang gave chase.

Dwayne received a bullet in his back – high and to the right which took him down. His gang were in full flight now. Casey helped Dwayne up and they made it to their car. After helping Dwayne into the back-seat Casey got in the passenger side and fired off two more rounds towards the rival gang. The rest of Dwayne's gang got in the car and they screeched off.

Two cars gave chase.

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