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The bell sounding the end of the children's school day rang out, surprising April. She had been in deep concentration with one of her students, trying to help her get past a maths problem that she had.

"Okay everyone. Pack your equipment away before fetching your coats and bags," said Monica Angus. "That's it. Once you're ready, line up in single file at the entrance."

The usual few were first to the front of the queue. After that there was a little pushing and shoving as they all competed to be nearest to the front. Gemma, who had been the one that April was helping, was the last to line up.

"Okay everyone." Monica opened her classroom door and waited for the class next door to file past then she led them out. "Remember to keep in single file. We want to try and win the 'best class' award this year."

All the children behaved themselves once they left the classroom. The prize this year was a trip to Drayton Manor and the children knew that the headmistress would be watching them on their way out.

April followed behind, making sure there were no stragglers. They made it to the doors and slowly released each individual child to their parents. There were no latecomers this time so April and Monica were back in their classroom in record time.

"April. I have a question for you."

"Yes, Monica. Of course I can take you back home."

"No. Err... well yes, thank you. But that's not what I was going to ask."

"Oh sorry. I butted in again didn't I."

"Not really, April. I was just wondering how you would feel about takin over the whole class?"

"What? You must be kidding."

"No. Really. I might be having to take some time off soon and I was hoping to recommend you to temp for me."

"Oh, I don't know, Monica. It's a lot of responsibility."

"I know you can do it. The children love you. They are comfortable with you. I feel that, temporarily at least, you can teach them. That's what you're training for, isn't it?"

"Not really. I love being an assistant. I get to help the children without having to worry about preparing the work for the day."

"I knew you hadn't noticed."

"Noticed what?"

"I've been delegating certain tasks here and there over the last several weeks. You've had a go at everything with varying degrees of success."

"Have I?"

"I know you can do it, April. I have faith in you. What do you say?"

"If you think I can take a whole class then why not."

"I won't drop you straight in, April. Don't look so worried. We have a few weeks to prepare – plus, I need to recommend you to Mrs Leeson first."

"Why do you need to go? You've not got some bad disease, have you?"

"No, April." Monica started laughing. "No. It's nothing like that. I have got jury duty. I received the letter last night."

"You said you've been preparing me for weeks."

"I have. But not for this. I was preparing you in general. Mrs Leeson asked me to start pushing you a little more. She sees the potential in you as well."

"So... you're saying that if you recommend me for the role, I'll get it."

"More than likely, I'd say. It would save Mrs Leeson from getting in a supply teacher."

"I'm in." April sounded firmer. More confident this time.

"Great. I need to tell her about the letter. I'll recommend you at the same time."

"I think I'll have a sit down while you go to her. I'll be here when you need your lift."

Monica walked over to April and patted her on her back. "You'll do fine. Don't worry."

April tilted her face up and smiled with a tinge of fear still glistening in her eyes.

Monica left the room.

April sighed and looked at all the children's names stuck on the walls above various pieces of artwork. Oh my god, she thought.

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