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Armed with a search warrant and a dozen uniformed police officers, Detective Mulraine strode into Pressman Industries main building. He approached the receptionist and showed her his badge and warrant.

"Hello, miss. Where would I find Mr Pressman?"

"Oh... err... In his office. May I ask what this is about?"

"You may but I need to talk to Mr Pressman first. Where is his office?"

A security guard approached them. "I'll take over, Miss Jones. How may I help you, officer?"

"I have a search warrant for this building and I need to serve it to Mr Pressman. Could you take me to him?"

"Certainly. Follow me." The guard glanced at the search warrant then strode towards the stairs.

"No one is to leave the building," Robert said to one of his officers. "Everyone else, start searching for all records of the research and development department." He left them to it and followed the security guard. Two uniformed officers followed him along with PC Stokes.

There were little exclamations from workers as they strode past. The uniformed officers were having the effect that Robert desired.

He saw Colin Pressman's office at the far end of the room they had just entered. The largest letters he had ever seen were etched into the office window. The blinds were drawn so they couldn't see in.

The guard was about to knock when Robert brushed him aside. He opened the door and stepped in, holding the warrant out in front of him. Colin wasn't there. "Where is he?"

The guard entered. "I don't know. He normally remains in here."

Robert left the office again. "Begin your search of his office. You know what you're looking for," he said to the two uniformed officers. Then he spoke up, addressing the whole room. "Does anyone know where Mr Pressman is?"

From the far-left side of the room, someone stood up. "He... he left through that door just before you came in, officer."

"Thank you. Let's go, Stokes." As they hurried to the door, followed by the security guard, Robert said, "What's through here?"

"A second stairwell," said the guard.

"Where does it go?"

"Back downstairs but it's not used very often. It's more of a fire escape."

"Does it lead to your research department?"

"Well, eventually. It's not the most direct route."

"We need to hurry. Take us directly to the research department."

"Of course. Why are you here?" asked the guard as he hurried down the stairs in front of them.

"That's between Mr Pressman and us."

Once down the stairs they wove through a maze-like series of corridors until they left the building through a rear exit. There was a second building which was smaller than the main one.

"I thought the research was done back there," said Detective Mulraine.

"Most of it – yes. But Mr Pressman has a few secret projects housed in a separate building. Very few of us have access to it. It can only be the destination you require."

"Why would you think that?"

"Because the police don't raid a building for the technology that is researched in the main building. Mr Pressman doesn't tell anyone what goes on in here." They arrived at the entrance and the guard swiped his access card through the reader. The door opened and they entered.

"I can't help you anymore. I've only been in here once before," said the guard.

"Where would his office be?"

"Sorry. I don't know."

"Okay, Stokes. We'll split up. Call me if you find him and stop him if he seems to be destroying evidence."

"Okay, sir." PC Stokes left him.

Detective Mulraine moved further into the building and looked at the names on the various lab doors. He looked away from the one in front of him as a tannoy announced, 'Security Level One Lockdown.' There was an audible click from the door in front of him. Robert tried it and found it locked.

The guard swiped his access card through the panel but the lock remained closed. "My card should access this. It should access every door."

"He's definitely trying to hide something," said Robert. "We have the right building." He lifted his radio to his mouth. "Be careful, Stokes. He's locked us in. He must be trying to cover his tracks. If you find him, stop whatever he's doing."

'Okay, sir. All the doors are locked. How are we going to find him?'

"Just keep looking, Stokes."

They continued down the corridor until they came to the room at the end and Robert read the sign above the door. "We must get in here. How do we open it?"

The guard swiped his card through the reader but it didn't unlock. "What's so important about this room? It's not one of our major projects."

"It's the reason we're here."

"Why would you be interested in medical equipment?"

"Because he's misusing one of his inventions. Can you find a way in here?"

'Sir. I've found him,' said PC Stokes. 'He's locked himself inside a security office. I can't get in.'

"Okay, Stokes. Hold there. Don't let him get away."

"I know how we'll get in," said the security guard. "There are a number of clever people working here. I'm sure one of them will be able to hack in and unlock the doors."

"Okay. Get on it," said Detective Mulraine. He looked at the door in front of him. There were no windows, so he couldn't see inside. This has got to be the place, he thought. He watched the guard wandering in a circle while he was talking to someone on his radio.

'Warning. Medical Laboratory purge initiated,' the tannoy boomed out once again. 'Do not enter. Medical Laboratory purge initiated. Do not enter.'

"What's going on in there?" asked Robert with a hint of panic in his voice.

"I don't know," answered the guard.

It took five minutes for the laboratory doors to unlock and the sight that met Robert's eyes filled him with dismay. He had taken a step into the room before the guard held him back.

"What are you doing?" asked Detective Mulraine.

"Look at the tables. Look at everything."

Robert saw melted tables, chairs and equipment everywhere. Smoke was still rising from some of the surfaces. "What happened?"

"I don't know but unless you want to be melted as well I would advise against going in there."

"Was there anyone in there?"

"I don't know."

PC Stokes walked up to them with Colin Pressman in handcuffs.

"You got him," said Robert. "Was there anyone in there?"

Colin shrugged but remained silent.

"He just walked out when the doors unlocked. He tried to get past me so I arrested him."

"Well done, Stokes. Takehim away. We need to gather as much evidence as we can." He lifted his radio tohis mouth. "Get a Hazmat team here right away."

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