Chapter 2 - Youngjae the gentleman

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Youngjae's POV I look at my phone for some time but then I fall asleep. I woke up in the morning remembering y/n's blanket. I go to the washroom to check if it's dry. It was completely dry. I stand and look at it for a while. I then go to the bathroom and get my perfume and bring it to the washroom. I spray some of my perfume onto the blanket. "I wonder if she will recognize the smell" I mumble to myself while folding together the blanket. "I hope I remember correctly about where she lives". "Who you talking about?" I turn around to see my best friend Daehyun. "Oh just the girl that will move into our house in a week. She forgot her blanket" I say and stretch out my arms to show Daehyun the blanket. "Well have fun with that" he says and walks out of the washroom. I start to walk over to y/n's house.y/n's POV I get out of bed and go to the kitchen. I grab a bowl and find some cereal and milk. I pour the milk into the bowl. I then hear someone knock on the door. I walk over and open the door. "Youngjae you know where I live?!". "Yes.. yes I do. You forgot your blanket yesterday. I washed it for you" he said excited. "You pour milk before your cereal or do you just like to drink milk out of a bowl?" He says. I look down and notice that I'm holding my bowl. "Oh I forgot to put cereal into my bowl before pouring milk. Thanks for saying". He smiled. "Oh hey Youngjae" I turn around to see my brother. He was wearing fancy clothes. "On your way to work brother?" He nods. "Listen Youngjae I have to go to work and y/n has some homework to do. Could you maybe stay until I come home and also help her with her homework?" Youngjae nods "Sure! I would love to help y/n". "See you later little sis and remember to clean up the milk you're spilling". My brother said and left. I look down and notice that I'm pouring milk onto the floor. "Oh no your shoes Youngjae!" I yell when I notice I also poured milk on Youngjae's shoes. "It's ok don't worry. I was gonna get rid of them anyways." He then takes off his shoes and puts the blanket on the table. "You should probably go wash your legs you spilled milk over yourself too" I look down and blush when I realize I was not wearing any pants. Youngjae starts to laugh when he sees my red face. "I'll clean the floor you go wash the milk off of your legs. What cereal do you want? Those right there?" He point at the cereal box on the table. I nod. I go to the bathroom and turn on the water in the shower and start washing my legs making sure my shirt and hair doesn't get wet. As I walk down the stairs I realize I forgot to put on a pair of pants again. "Should I sneak up the stairs again to put on some pants before he sees me?" I think. "Hi y/n! Did you finish washing your legs?" I nod. "I finished cleaning up the floor and made some food for you. And I remembered to put in the cereal" Youngjae says as he laughs. "Thanks Youngjae" I walk down the stairs and go sit at the table. Youngjae sits down on the other side of the table "You look like you're freezing y/n" he says and looked concerned at me. "Yeah I'm freezing a bit I don't have any hoodies to wear and on top of that I'm not wearing any pants." I say and start to eat. "Hmm" Youngjae says and gets up from the chair he sat on and grabs my blanket and puts it over my legs. He then takes off his hoodie and gives it to me. "Here. Wear this. I'm fine with just wearing a t-shirt so you can have my hoodie." I take his hoodie and look at it. I then put it on. "Thanks Youngjae." I say and blush a bit. I then start eating again. "Youngjae?" I stir around in my cereal. "Hmm?" He says and looks at me. "Do you know when my brother will move back to the US?". "Next week" he mumbles. I nod and continue to eat. Youngjae's POV "Are you sad about having to live with me and Daehyun?" I ask as she seems a bit sad. "Ah no that's not it. I'm just a bit sad about my brother leaving cause he's been taking care of me for almost my whole life" I nod. "How do you know my brother" y/n asks. "We have math class together and then some years ago we had to work together In a group project and then we have been friends since then" I reply. She nods "sounds nice. I don't really have any friends here in Korea" she looks at me and I can see that she's close to crying. "Why not?" I ask. "I have never been that good at korean and people at school make fun of me for speaking korean in a funny way" I notice that she started crying. I get up from my chair and walk over to her and give her a back hug. "Those people are mean. If anyone is bothering you come to me they won't bother you then" I then whipe off her tears with my finger. She nods. "Thank you Youngjae".

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