Chapter 23 - Big surprise

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5 months later
"Aunt can I use my phone for longer tonight? I need to find tickets and plan my trip back to Korea now that brother is home again" I say looking nervous at my aunt. "Of course sweetie" she says and smiles. "Thank you" I say and walk into my room. I then call Daehyun. "Hey Daehyun. Can you help me with something?" I ask. "Of course. What's up?" He replies. "I'll be back in Korea tomorrow evening. Can you make sure Youngjae is sleeping before I come home? I wanna surprise him by being there when he wakes up" I say. "Aww that's so cute. Ofc I'll help" Daehyun replies. "Thanks Daehyun" I say and he then suddenly hangs up. I stare at my phone for a few seconds and then start looking for plane tickets. Daehyun then messages me. "Sorry for hanging up suddenly. I could hear Youngjae walk towards my room. When will you arrive tomorrow?". "It's ok. I'm not sure yet need to buy a ticket first. I'll message you when I know" I reply. My aunt then walks into my room. "Dinner is ready. You can eat in here if you want cause I know how hard it can be to plan a trip" she says and smiles. I go get my food and go into my room again. "Sorry baby Jae I can't call or text for the next few weeks I'm busy with all the homework I missed" I text youngjae and then put down my phone. I feel bad for lying but I wanted to make sure he wouldn't call or text while I'm traveling and be suspicious that something is happening.
The next day my brother drives me to the airport and my brother and aunt waves goodbye. I get on the plane and put on some music. I should be home at around 10.

Youngjae's POV
"Yj you have to sleep early today. I have something exciting to show you tomorrow and you need lots of energy for tomorrow. So no staying up until 1am!" Daehyun says and throws my clothes at me. "How about sleeping at 12 then?" I ask annoyed. "No! You have to sleep at 10!" Daehyun says. "Whyyyy" I complain. "Just do it and stop acting like a child!" Daehyun says and laughs. "Ugh fine" I say and put on my pajamas.

Y/n's POV
I arrive at the airport and look for Daehyun. "Y/n!!!!" I turn around and see Daehyun running towards me smiling. "Daehyun!" I say and hug him. "Aah I'm so glad you're back" he says and smiles. "Let's find your suitcase and then go home" Daehyun says and smiles. We arrive home and I take a deep breath. "I made sure Youngjae is asleep. I'll take your suitcase you can just go inside" Daehyun says and pulls my suitcase out of the car. I nod and go into the house. I go up to Youngjae's room and carefully open the door. I walk over to his bed and look at him for a while. I kiss his forehead and then lay down besides him and hug him.

Youngjae's POV
I wake up and feel weight on my chest. My room is still dark so I can't see anything. I try turning on the light to see who it is but I can't reach my table light. I then suddenly hear a noise and immediately know who it is. I wrap my arms around her and start crying. "Good morning baby Jae" y/n mumbles still half asleep. I then hear y/n sniffing. "Noo baby don't cry" I say and stroke her head. "It's happy tears. I've missed you so so much and I'm so happy to be back" y/n says. "You too" I reply. "I've missed you so so much.. all your shirts stopped smelling like you and that made me miss you even more" y/n says and I then start crying even more. "I thought I would be the crybaby but look at you crying even more than me" y/n says and laughs. "Yah that's so mean. All your clothes was newly washed so it smelled like laundry and you had half of my shirts. The only thing I had that reminded me of you was your Christmas gift and anniversary gift" Youngjae says and laughs. "You lied to me you said you were busy with homework the next few weeks". "Yes I lied" y/n says and laughs. I turn my head and kiss her cheek.

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