Chapter 5 - School rumors

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Y/n's POVI wake up and notice that Youngjae is gone. I turn around and see a note in his bed. I sit up and reach for the note. "Hi y/n. I will be back soon. Daehyun prepared breakfast it's downstairs on the kitchen counter." I stare at the note for a few seconds but then get up and walk downstairs. "Good morning y/n. Did you sleep well?" I hear Daehyun say. I look around and notice him sitting on the kitchen counter drinking milk from the milk bottle. "Yes thanks for asking. What about you Daehyun?" "Mmh i slept well. Here's your breakfast" He says and gives me a plate with rice and fish. "Your brother told us you loved when he made rice and fish for you for breakfast so I thought I wold be nice and make it for you too" I smile. "Thank you Daehyun" I put on a video on my phone and start eating. "Yah y/n come here and see this adorable picture" I get up and go over to Daehyun and look at his phone. It was a picture of me and Youngjae cuddling last night. "Yah!" I try to grab his phone but he reaches his hand up so I can't get it. I try jump but still can't reach. "I sent it to your brother" Daehyun says. "Yaaaaaah" I say as I fall to the floor and lay down "What are you guys doing?" I look over to the door and see Youngjae standing in the door with groceries. "Youngjae come see this picture!" Daehyun says excitedly. Youngjae walks over and looks at Daehyun's phone and smiles. He then looks down at me. "Y/n you should get ready school starts in half an hour. I hurry to get up and trip over my feet. I hear the grocery bags fall and eggs crack and I then feel someone grabbing my arm. "Be careful clumsy" Youngjae laughs. "Now I gotta clean up" he says and pushes me while laughing. I laugh while walking up the stairs to change clothes. I change clothes and go downstairs. I stop halfway down the stairs and freeze. I stare at Youngjae walking towards the washroom. He wasn't wearing a shirt. I try to hurry up the stairs before he catches me staring. "Y/n?". I freeze. "I'm so sorry Youngjae I didn't mean to-" he start laughing. I look around. He was wearing a shirt now. "Don't worry y/n" he points his thumb at me and shoot a hair elastic at me. We both laugh. Daehyun then come out from his room with his backpack over his shoulder "ready to go guys?" I nod. We get into the car and Daehyun starts driving. When we arrive to school I see the people who always bully me standing at the entrance gate staring at the car. I step out of the car and feel a hand grabbing mine. "Stay close to me and keep holding my hand they won't do anything when I'm here" Youngjae says. We start walking. "So when did you and Youngjae start dating?" "You stole my boyfriend y/n?!" The two girls start following me and Youngjae. "Y/n why did you steal my boyfriend? Y/n? Ya! Idiot answer me!" Youngjae look over at me. He reaches up to my face with his other hand and wipe off my tears. He turns around and lets go of my hand and wraps his arms around me instead. "Please shut up. Y/n did not steal anybody's boyfriend cause I was never yours Makayla" Youngjae raises his voice as he says Makayla. "Now if you guys say anything bad to y/n again or touch her then I will tell the principal". "Shut up Youngjae! Don't you remember who it was that messed up my face yesterday?!" Makayla yells. Youngjae roll his eyes and turn around and grab my hand again and leans over and kisses my forehead and then start walking again. I can hear Makayla screaming in the back but I don't care. We walk into my classroom together. "See you later" Youngjae says and kisses my forehead and walks away. I go over to my desk and sit down and find my things. One of myClassmates lean over towards me "since when did you and Youngjae start dating?" He asks. "Wow I didn't know you speak English" I reply. He laughs. I raise an eyebrow. "Lucky girl he's an amazing and caring boy" he says. I shake my head and look around and notice the whole class staring at me while whispering. I find myphone and text Youngjae "what would you do if everyone were staring at you and whispering about you?" No reply. Guess his class started. I put away my phone as I see the teacher entering the classroom. After class I try to find Youngjae and Daehyun. I see Daehyun walking with Makayla following him "Daehyun you're so handsome" Makayla says. "Ugh Makayla for the last time. LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE" Daehyun's face turns red in anger. "Hmp. Fine" Makayla then leaves. "What was that about? And where is Youngjae?" Daehyun sighs. "Ever since Youngjae kissed your forehead this morning Makayla have been following me. Youngjae is at the school nurse." "What happened?" I ask. "Makayla beat him because he "cheated on her"" I run to the nurse's office and ask the nurse where Youngjae is. She points at a bed "but be silent he's sleeping" I nod. I walk over to the bed where Youngjae is sleeping and sit down on the chair besides him. "Well if it isn't Youngjae's girlfriend." I look around and see two girls sitting on the edge of a bed. One of them were holding their hand up over their chest because she was bleeding really bad. I shake my head and start crying. "Ya are you ok?" I see Youngjae looking at me. He then sits up and hugs me.

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