Chapter 8 - Like a new student

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Y/n's POV We sit in the car in silence. Daehyun looks at me. He looked worried. "What happened?" He asks. "Makayla" Youngjae replies looking at his feet. Daehyun sighs. We arrive at the hospital and Youngjae checks me in so they know we arrived. Youngjae's POVMe and Daehyun sit in the waiting room waiting for y/n to come back. I start crying. "Why did this have to happen today of all days. I wanted her birthday to be perfect". I put my face into my hands as I cry. Daehyun pats my back. "It's ok Youngjae you can't control everything that happens. It could have happened on any day just bad luck that it was today. Don't be so hard on yourself I'm sure she liked the rest of the day". I nod. "Youngjae.. are you crying?" I look up and see y/n standing in the entrance to the room. She walk over to me, grabs my hands and squad down. "Don't cry baby" she says while looking at me. She was wearing a metal splint on her nose because her nose was broken. "Are you ok?" I ask. She nods and hugs me.Y/n's POV I don't remember anything of what happened after we left the hospital. I wake up in Youngjae's bed and notice him sitting on the side of the bed looking at me. "Oh you're up y/n?" I nod. "How long have you been up Youngjae?" I ask. "Woke up at the usual time" He says. He gets up from the bed and grabs a shirt. It's only then I notice he's not wearing a shirt. I blush. "Here y/n. Put this on and get ready for school. Daehyun prepared breakfast". Youngjae hands me a shirt. "But.. this is your shirt Youngjae" I look at him. "Exactly" He say and laugh. I look at the shirt and then up at Youngjae. "Oh.. you want me to turn around so you can change? Of course" he says while smiling. "No that's not it I don't really care.. I was just thinking of the first day we met" we smile at each other and i then put on his shirt. I notice Youngjae looking at me with a big smile. "What?" I laugh. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to stare" he says and blushes. I laugh " it's ok" I get up from the bed and kissed him on the cheek and then walk downstairs to get breakfast. After eating I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. "Hurry up y/n were gonna be late" Daehyun yells. I open the door and put on my jacket. "I'm ready". We go to the car and Daehyun drives us to school. "Y/n you should probably hurry your class starts in one minute" Youngjae says while giving me my backpack. "Oh shit I'm gonna be late". I get up on my toes and kiss Youngjae's cheek and wave to Daehyun. "Byeee" I run to class and just as I sit down the teacher enters. "I gotta go to a meeting and won't be back so you guys can do whatever you want just don't disturb other classes". The teacher then leaves the room. As soon as the teacher have left all the girls get up and run over to me. "Is it true you and Youngjae are dating?" "Is it true you live with Youngjae and Daehyun?" "How long have you been dating?" "Omg girl you're so lucky" "is Daehyun single?" "Can we come over for a sleepover?" "Have you and Youngjae kissed a lot?" "Have you seen Youngjae shirtless?". I can feel my eyes getting teary meanwhile the girls keep asking questions. I get up "excuse me but I gotta go to the bathroom" I start waking. "Y/n wait for me! Best friends always go to the bathroom together". I turn around. "You guys bully me for not being able to speak korean and for speaking korean but as soon as I start dating Youngjae you guys all wanna talk and can suddenly talk English? No thanks you can all leave me the fuck alone". I then leave the class. I walk down the halls dragging my feet while crying. "Y/n?" I look up and see Daehyun in front of me. I start crying even more. "What's wrong? Want me to call Youngjae?" I shake my head. "I don't wanna worry him". Daehyun nods. "Let's go to the school cafe then you can tell me what happened" Daehyun says and puts a hand on my back. I nod. We go to the cafe. "Do you like coffee y/n?" I nod. Daehyun then orders coffee for both of us and we then go and sit down. "When I came to class the teacher said she had to go to a meeting so we could do whatever we wanted in this class. And then as soon as the teacher left all the girls came over to me and bombarded me with questions". I take a sip of my coffee. "What kind of questions?" Daehyun asks. "Questions like "when did you and Youngjae start dating", "is it true i live with you and Youngjae". And then I got up and said I needed to go to the bathroom but they all wanted to go with me because that's what "best friends" do. It's like.. I'm not y/n anyone but a new student". " I never understood why girls do that" Daehyun mumbles. "What happened then?" He looks up at me. "Then I told them I don't wanna be their friend and that they can stay the fuck away from me. They have always bullied me but as soon as I start dating the popular boy.." I choke on my words. Daehyun nods. "Then suddenly everyone wanna be with you because they think they can then get to know the popular boy and become popular themself". I nod. "Of course i want friends but I don't wanna be friends with those people cause all they have ever done was bully me". Daehyun takes a sip of his coffee. "May I ask you a question y/n?". I nod. "How come it be you have lived in Korea since you were 5 and until now when you're 17.. 12 years.. and you still don't know korean? Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to be rude I've just been wondering" I look down at my hands and take a deep breath. "Well people always made fun of me for speaking very little and very bad korean.. so in the end I just stoped studying korean because I got hurt from what people said". Daehyun nods. "You know if you wanna learn korean then me and Youngjae would love to help. And if anyone makes fun of your korean then just remember how they also have an accent when speaking English". I nod. "You guys are the best friends someone could ask for. Thank you". I look up at Daehyun and smile. "Ayyy did I see a smile appear on your face? I'm glad you're doing better". "Y/n!! Daehyun!!". "Hi Yj" Daehyun waves. Youngjae looks at me and immediately stops smiling. "Your eyes are red. Did anything happen?" I nod. "Yeah something did happen.. I would rather not talk about it right now and just enjoy drinking coffee instead". Youngjae nods and smiles again "I'll go buy a coffee please don't finish without me". We all laugh and Youngjae puts his bag down and goes to buy coffee. Daehyun suddenly gets up and put the hat of the hoodie on me making sure my hair is in the hat. "Y/n do you have a mask? Put it on". I shake my head. "I don't have any mask". Daehyun nods and starts looking in Youngjae's bag. "Here put this on" Daehyun hands me a mask from Youngjae's bag. "Why should y/n put on a mask?" Youngjae looks at Daehyun. "Look behind you" Youngjae looks behind him. "Since when did y/n have to put on a mask when they're near?" Youngjae looks questioning at me and Daehyun. "I'll explain later Youngjae just go sit" Daehyun says and goes to sit on his chair again. Youngjae nods and goes to sit down. "Y/n have you tried this coffee before? It's with caramel" I shake my head "I have never been here before because I never had anyone to go with". "Oh.. you wanna try it? It's really good!" Yongjae reaches out his arm. I nod and take the coffee. "Ah! Hot" I put down he coffee and stick out my tongue. "Y/n!!! Are you okay?" I nod. Youngjae gets up "let me check I wanna be sure you're ok" I lean backwards "I'm ok don't worry" I fall down from my chair and the hat falls off of my head. Daehyun facepalms. "Y/n!! There you are!" I sigh. "Girl please come with me i'm getting food you should come." I get up. "Why don't you go eat with your friends instead of me? I don't wanna be your friend so just leave me alone" I then go and sit down again. "Wow what just happened. Do you get some magic strength when you're wearing my clothes or what?" Youngjae laughs. "You want me to agree with you or want me to disappoint you?". Youngjae looks at me. "I want you to tell me the truth". I shake my head. "I don't feel like talking about it right now. Sorry". He nods. "Sure just tell me when you're ready" I nod. "Daehyun how is Jongup doing? Is he coming back to town soon? He's been busy with his Korean tour but I thought it would be fun if y/n could meet Jongup". Daehyun nods. "He should be done with his tour soon I believe. Zelo should also be home again soon". Youngjae nods. "We should meet up with them when they come back so y/n can meet them. Haven't heard anything from Himchan and Yongguk tho". Youngjae scratches his head. "Guys hurry up finish your coffee your class starts soon" I say. They hurry up and drink their coffee and gets up. "Bye y/n" Daehyun says and waves. I wave back. "Bye byee baby" Youngjae says and kisses my cheek. I smile and say bye to both of them.

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