Chapter 24 - Scary boy

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Y/n's POV
"Y/n we should get ready. There's someone I want you to meet" Youngjae says and kisses my forehead. "But I wanna stay hereee" I say and hug Youngjae tighter. "Y/n we've been lying here for half an hour" Youngjae says and chuckles. "I don't care" I say and close my eyes. Youngjae then sighs and gets up. "If I can't get you to walk then I'll carry you downstairs cause you need breakfast" Youngjae says and carries me down the stairs. "Daehyun please give y/n some food before she falls asleep" Youngjae says and laughs. I hit him lightly. "I won't fall asleep". "When will Yongguk arrive?" Daehyun asks and sits down by the table. "I don't know. You told me to sleep early yesterday so I haven't talked a lot to Yongguk. What even was the reason for me to go to sleep early? Doesn't seem like I need lots of energy today like you told me" Youngjae asks. "So you don't know? Guess I'm not important. You needed to sleep early so I could be here in the morning when you woke up and surprise you" I say and start eating. "Who said you're not important? I would always wanna be with you no matter how much energy I have so I still see no reason to be full of energy" Youngjae says and laughs. "Yongguk will be here in five minutes" Daehyun says and waves his phone. "We should hurry up and get ready then" Youngjae says and eats his food fast. "Ya baby watch out you're eating too fast" I say worried. Youngjae then coughs. "You should listen more to your girlfriend mr. Yoo. Shes clever" Daehyun says and shakes his head. "I'm finished" I say and leave.

Daehyun's POV
"Hello guys". I turn around and see Yongguk standing by the door with a big smile. "Hi Yongguk! Youngjae look who's here!". No answer from Youngjae. I turn around and see Youngjae staring. I then look up and see y/n and look back at youngjae. I then lightly hit Youngjae's head "Yah Youngjae you're staring. Say hi to Yongguk" I say and laugh. "Oh sorry didn't notice him" Youngjae says and turns around and looks at Yongguk. "Who's the girl?" Youngguk says and looks at y/n. "My girlfriend" Youngjae mumbles. "Why mumble? Did I do anything wrong" Yongguk says worried. "No.. I was just thinking" Youngjae replies and smiles. "I thought you were lying when saying Yongguk is scarier than Zelo" y/n says and sighs. "If that guy was my classmate I would run screaming out of the classroom" y/n says and laughs slightly. "I warned you didn't I?" Youngjae says and laughs.

Y/n's POV
"You didn't tell me your girlfriend would be home" Yongguk says and sits down. "I didn't know until this morning" Youngjae says. "Ain't that my shirt" Youngjae says and grabs the sleeve of the shirt I'm wearing. "Maybe it is maybe it isn't. We might never know" I say and laugh. "Of course it is Youngjae. One of the things you get from having a girlfriend is a really great person in your life. The think you loose is your shirts tho" Yongguk says and chuckles. I nod. Youngjae sighs and we then all laugh at Youngjae. "I barley had any shirts to wear because y/n took half of them with her to America" Youngjae says and sighs. "Never told me I'm not allowed to take your shirts so until you have told me that then I will take them whenever I want" I say and smile. "Don't you guys have school?" Yongguk says and points at the clock."oh shit" I say and get up. "Y/N DID YOU JUST SWEAR?!" Youngjae yells. I stay silent for a few seconds. "Yes" I say and run away from Youngjae.

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